Like Romeo and Juliet

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"That was some good cereal!" Drea said sarcastically and childish with a sigh. "But you know what, I think I'm still hungry!" She licked her lips as she glanced at the tiny people before her. "And look! A fun snack! This should be interesting, only this time... It's for real!"

Dylan and Emma turned to run, but they didn't get far before they were both snatched up by Drea's massive giantess hands. "Now the real question is, who gets to go first?" Drea looked at the two and laughed. "Any volunteers?" She said biting her lips. "No? I guess I'll have to decide then, lets do a taste test!" She said sticking out her tongue. 

"Please no..."

"Don't do this Drea!" 

"Romeo first!" She brought Dylan close to her mouth, he could smell her breath. The smell of breakfast had faded. She pressed him against her tongue and licked him from head to toe, coating him with saliva. She then sat pondering his flavor for a minute before pulling Emma towards her mouth.

"Then Juliet!" Emma screamed as Drea's tongue was dragged over her tiny frail body. "mmm! Not bad... Both at once maybe?"

She held both tinies close in her massive powerful hands then licked straight across from one to the other, and then back again. She pondered the taste for a second before speaking, "Ya know I think I like you separate better, but I still can't decide who's the tastiest!" She said it sounding wholesome and childlike. "Let's try this again"

She pulled Dylan close, he screamed as his face colided with her tongue, she pressed him into it forcefully using her fingers, she licked him in circles multiple times before pulling him away. "Mmmmm!" 

"Next!" She pulled Emma close and shoved her into the tongue. Drea's mouth was watering and saliva began to pour our every time someone was licked. Drea went back and forth, back and forth, licking Dylan, then licking Emma. One lick after another, then another lick, lick, lick....

Drea went to lick Dylan again, "DREA! IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS! YOU CAN LET US GO! OR KEEP US AS... SL-Slaves.." 

Drea stopped, "Silly... You two probably already have an escape plan. If I don't get rid of you two now, well... My life is over," She seemed genuinely sad, "So! Instead of me being ripped apart., I'm just gonna have a nice, tiny snack! And I know whos going first, come here!" Drea pulled Emma towards her mouth and began to lick her furiously. Emma screamed as loud as she could, but those screams were short lived as they were silenced by Drea's tongue as it completely smothered her entire body. Drea continued to lick her first victim like a lollipop before slurping her up like a piece of candy. 

Drea pulled Dylan close and opened her mouth to show Emma wrestling with her tongue. "Dylan!" Emma said reaching her hand out. Drea stuck her tongue out as Emma lay flat on top of it. The lovers hands grew ever closer until they linked! "Dylan grabbed Emma as hard as he possibly could, but Drea had other plans, she flicked her tongue up in front of Emma's face, she then used it to pull Emma completely into her mouth. 

Dylan watched in horror as Emma scrambled and clawed trying to get a grip on Drea's tongue. It was no use... Emma slowly fell backwards and Dylan was powerless, he was forced to watch as the girl of his dreams slipped past Drea's uvula and fell down her throat with a thunderous and heart piercing GULP

Dylan began to cry. "Oh don't worry Dylan, you'll be with her soon enough" Drea laughed and brought Dylan close.

"STAY AWAY!" Dylan cried as Drea began to lick him again. 

"Oh come on, it's just you and me now, this could be considered romantic, like a deep French kiss." Drea opened her palm and lay Dylan flat, then came down from above with her tongue. He was completely consumed by the massive, wet, fleshy monster that was tasting every single spot on his body.

Drea then pulled back, and the licking changed. It stopped being tasting, and became a sort of romantic kissing. He was then bombarded by kisses and licks from a giant mouth. It was then that Drea began to moan and shake... She was touching herself. "You taste so good..." She moaned as her tongue was dragged across Dylans face. Dylan was fed up with the licking, he just wanted it to be over. All that he could sense was her tongue, it was all her could see when there wasn't saliva in his eyes. All he could smell was her breath. All he could feel was the wet sticky tongue surrounding him on every angle. All he could taste was Drea.

Then darkness...

He was pulled into Drea's mouth, but she wasn't done yet, her tongue was all over him, tasting him... massaging him. It was smooth, soft, and wet. She was savoring the flavor, her tongue completely encompassed him. For what would be the rest of his life he realized he was truly surrounded by her. Saliva soaked him to the bone and he lay down, the tongue went soft...

"Funny..." Drea spoke, as she did her tongue tossed Dylan around her mouth splashing him with saliva. "I was your final kiss!" 

She giggled as saliva began to pool up around Dylan, then Drea's giant  silky smooth tongue gently surrounded Dylan and slowly guided him to the back of her throat. Where it flicked up, and Dylan fell backwards, the last thing he saw was Drea's tongue as it shoved him down her throat.

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