Science Class

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Dylan walked into his science class. He was in a good mood, he had been ever since he got a new girlfriend. He had been single for at least two years and he had just gotten a girlfriend and he was convinced she was the one. He tossed his books down happily and sat down ready to work. His lab partner Drea showed up. She had black hair, a pale face and a nose piercing. She was pretty, and before his current girlfriend, Emma, she would have been his second choice! But he just saw her as a friend now.

"Hey Drea!" Dylan said as she sat down.

"Hey Dylan!" She said in an extremely happy voice, it was more happy and sounded almost sarcastic. A drastic difference from her normal lower tone somewhat raspy voice.

"You seem happy." He replied.

"It's just been a good day, and I think it'll only get better." She said.

"Well I'm glad to hear that." Dylan said as he pulled out a notebook and a pencil. Drea did the same as the teacher began to lecture. "Notes again? uhg..." Dylan complained jokingly.

"Well I have an idea then." Drea said with a sort of sass in her voice.

"What? What are you talking about?" Dylan asked her as she began to rummage around in her backpack before taking out a vile of an unknown liquid. It looked yellow and bubbly and almost like some sort of potion. "What is that?" He asked with a surprise.

"Its for our PROJECT duh!" She said almost rudely.

"What project..?" Dylan replied nervously.

"Did you really forget about our project?" She said with wide eyes.

"Probably..." Dylan replied . He probably wasn't paying any attention when the teacher assigned it. The teacher was busy writing something on the board, Dylan thought about writing it down but he was more interested in what he had supposedly missed. "So what is this?" He asked his lab partner.

"Open it." He took the bottle then opened it, he used his hand to push the smell towards him. It smelled like candy almost, but with what smelled like a hint of bleach.

"What is this stuff?" He asked again.

"Look into it" Drea told him. So he leaned over and brought it close to his face. Then all of a sudden Drea smacked his arm and the liquid went flying up out of the bottle and all over Dylan's face. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO DUMB!!!! I CAN'T BELEIVE THAT ACTUALLY WORKED!" Drea laughed profusely as the teacher turned around.

"Drea, would you mind keeping it down for others who are trying to-"

"I'm sorry Mr. Helmson"

"Where's Dylan?"

"He said that he was going to the bathroom"

"Well he knows he's supposed to get a pass, right?"

"I told him to Mr. Helmson, but he didn't listen."

"What the hell did you do?!?!" Dylan yelled as he rubbed the liquid out of his eyes, it burned a little bit, and felt and tasted like soda. He opened his eyes and saw the bottom of his table, he thought maybe he fell down so he tried to sit up, but nothing happened, he looked down and his feet were on his chair only... The base of his chair looked huge, as big as a small room's floor. He looked to his lab partner and realized what had happened... Drea was huge... he was tiny! The size of a lego person. He looked at Drea, her butt looked bigger than a house, and as he glanced up he saw that from her butt to her head was the length of a skyscraper. She was massive...

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Drea giggled.

"What did you do to me?!?" Dylan screamed at her.

"I killed you, you're dead now, welcome to heaven." She said briefly before laughing, "Isn't it obvious! I shrunk you!"

Dylan reeled back as he realized what had happened, it felt unreal, like something out of a movie. He was still trying to process everything as he looked up at her, her face suddenly had way more obvious details than before, she was a lot prettier than at normal size.

"well don't just sit there. Fix me!" Dylan yelled.

"Eh, I don't really think I want to right now." She whispered to him.


"SHUT UP" Drea whispered with a scolding tone.

"HELLO ANYONE!!!" Dylan yelled.

People started to look around for a strange sound that only a few of them could hear. Drea quickly went to cover Dylans tiny body with her hand. Dylan yelled again as the massive hand completely surrounded his small body like a tent. Drea was covering him like a bug she had found in her house, trying to trap him in the dark warm confides of her palm. Dylan tried to escape her giant hand, but it only took one small flick from Drea to knock him on his back, where he lay scared for the rest of science class.

There is no way that this is real... Dylan said to himself over and over...

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