From This Day Forward....

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Two weeks later.....

Today is the special day it's the day of Nick and Jasper's wedding. They are having a small wedding. While they were in Italy, Jasper became almost became homicidal with the wedding planning. Nick clenched and unfold his fists nervously as more people took their seats.

Nick, You look like you are going to run away. Jasper's dad laughed as he clapped his back.

I'm not... I'm just nervous I guess. He muttered. Nick's tux suddenly becoming too hot and he had resisted the urge to take his tie off. "Does everyone get this nervous on their wedding day"?

It's just butterflies you are feeling. Jasper's dad joked. "I promise it'll go away."

These so called butterflies are wreaking havoc on everything! Nick exclaimed. 

Nick, You have nothing to be nervous about, You are about to marry the love of your life. Jasper's dad laughed. "You are going to be all right. You and Jasper can make it through anything."

Thanks, man. Nick muttered as he hugged his future father in law. The minister walked around to the front and smiled at Nick.

"We are ready to begin."

Nick let out a breath. "Alright".

He didn't think he'd ever been so nervous about anything before, not even the championship game he had won this past April. The music started and he thought he might pass out, Why the hell was he so scared? He watched as Charlotte who was escorted by Henry and Lauren  who was escorted out by one of the basketball players, each wearing strapless white summer dresses that flowed in the wind. He heard a sharp intake of breath from Jasper's dad and he looked up. The moment he did, his heart stopped.

Jasper was being escorted down the aisle by his mom. She looked gorgeous in Ombre Rhinestone Strapless Chiffon Gown and her shiny black hair in an elegant bun, courtesy of Lauren. But it was the sight of his soon-to-be-husband that took his breath away. He had seen Jasper in tuxedo plenty of times, but the white tux he was donning made him look like an angel, his windswept brown hair was loose and free and his eyes... his eyes seemed to sparkle with his bright smile. When he reached the alter and Nick took his hand, he felt all his nerves disappear and he knew he was making the right decision. He was going to spend the rest of his life with his best friend, the man of his dreams and he couldn't have been happier.

Hey. Jasper murmured. Nick returned it with a smile and they both turned to face the minister. The waves came crashing along the shore and the birds chirped merrily as they flew high in the air. The light breeze created from the waves washed over all of them as they watched two men who had been through so much become untied in matrimony.

Please give your vows. The minister turned to Jasper first. Jasper raised his eyes to look into Nick's and he took a deep breath.

From the day that we first met, I knew you would be important to me. Jasper started, his voice carrying so everyone could hear him. I love you with all my heart but sometimes the words don't even describe how I feel for you. I could tell you that a hundred times and it would never surmise how much I feel for you. You came into my life when I needed it the most and you became my biggest blessing I'll never be able to thank you enough for that. Jasper cupped his face with one hand, not being able to resist touching him. " I love you, Nick, and I will always love you, for better or for worse, I'll love you through it all.

Lauren discretely wiped her eyes while Charlotte let them flow freely as she watched her best friends share with all their friends and family how deeply they felt for each other.

Nick smiled, feeling tears starting to gather his own eyes but held them back. he took a deep breath as he prepared to bare his soul to the man he loved and every one important that he knew.

"Words alone can't describe how grateful I am to have in my life. he started. 'When my...I mean Jack first hit me, I didn't know what to do or who I could even talk to about it. I told you, you just held me and told me that I would never let it happen again. That's when I knew that I was in love with you and that I would never fall in love with anyone else. You saved my life, Jasper and when things were at their worst you were there to tell me everything would be okay. You were there when things were at their worst and when things became unbearable I didn't know the way to turn. You never once left my side to face him alone and I will always love you for that.

There wasn't one dry eye in the area as Nick spoke even Jasper had tears rolling down his face as he watched Nick pour his heart out to him.

Sometimes I wonder if we met by chance or if it was fate and I always come to the conclusion: everything happens for a reason. We were fated to meet because you are the other half of me and I couldn't imagine being without you. I'll follow you wherever you go because there is no me without you. I couldn't imagine my life without you, Jasper and I never want to. I can't wait to start the rest of my life with you, he finished in a soft voice, though everyone heard him. Jasper gazed at him with all the love he felt at the moment before he kissed him passionately.

Little early boys. The minister chuckled. Everyone laughed and the boys blushed when they pulled back. We'll be there soon.

The minster was right, not five minutes later he was pronouncing Jasper and Nick partners. Their first kiss shared as husbands were something everyone would remember for the rest of their lives because it was one of the most beautiful displays of love anyone had ever seen.

The next day......

I want a picture and at least bring me back a shirt! Or a key chain or something! Lauren said as they approached the airport. Nick and Jasper were about to go on vacation to Hawaii for their honeymoon. "How much is a plane ticket to Honolulu"?

About $561. We only got a discount because the travel agent also happened to just have gotten married. He just about died when I told him how old Nick and Jasper and showed him a picture. Jasper's mom said.

That's a little creepy. Jasper chuckled. "You didn't let him keep it did you"?

Of course not! What kind of mother would I be? Jasper's mom scoffed. 

The one who would let her 18 year old son get married? Jasper's dad muttered to himself.

Alright, guys, we're here. Henry pulled up to the curb and the eight people piled out of the rented Van. Nick and Jasper went around the back and pulled out their two suitcases while their family congregated on the sidewalk.

You guys have fun and are careful. Jasper's dad hugged Nick and Jasper Individually "you guys really deserve this".

Thanks, Mr. Dunlop. Nick pulled back and smiled at them all again before taking Jasper's hand and walking through the sliding doors. 

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