What Heirs in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

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Jasper couldn't wait for the plane trip back to Swellview to be over with. He just wanted to be left alone to deal with everything that had happened and to make matters worst he was only a few seats away from the girl who had broken his heart. He couldn't bring himself to face, Henry, but at least Henry gt the idea and pretty much left him alone for most of the plane ride home. Jasper flipped his hood over his head and prepared for a few hours of perpetually staring out the window and at the back of his own eyelids. He occasionally shot a few reflexive glances at Piper, who seemed to be permanently fixated on him with her sad puppy face his lips flattened into a stiff line. His heart began to pound in his chest from rage and hurt. It was too much to look at her for too long. He knew she already probably noticed his eyes turning red and glossing over. A few times, he even caught her hugging Charlotte, looking like she was about to cry. She sure had a lot of nerves to think she had a right to be upset like this.

You ok? Henry asked.

Jasper swallowed hard and cleared his throat, Yeah.

While he was eager to get home and have time to himself, he was dreading it as well. Being by himself meant he had a whole lot of time to himself to dwell on Piper and Miserable.

A few hours earlier.

Lauren, Henry, and Charlotte arrived in Vegas, Once they were off the plane, they got into a cab and went to a hotel that they were staying at. Once they got settled into the room, they spent the next few hours coming up with a plan on splitting up to find Piper and Jasper.


Jasper and Piper are in one of the casinos in Vegas while Piper was gambling almost everything she earned while working to earn money for her son, Jake. Piper knew that she just made a huge mistake and she needed to work hard on earning that money. Jasper tried to comfort her but Piper didn't want to be comforted.

Ring Ring

Piper took her phone out of her pocket.

P: Piper

C.A.B: College Admission Board


P: Hello?

C: Is this Piper Hart?

P: Yes, This is she.

C: We are glad to tell you that You have been accepted to Stanford.

P: Oh my God, Thank You. Bye.

End of call

Piper applied to Stanford before all of the craziness happened but she didn't know she would have been accepted but now she needed to go with that man she saw earlier. She told jasper that she will see him later.

As Jasper was exiting the casino, he heard his name being called and he thought he was just hearing things but when he turned around when he felt someone touch his shoulder. He almost jumped up when he saw that it was Charlotte who was calling his name.

How did you find me? Why are you here? Jasper asked.

First, We knew that Piper always wanted to try and go to Vegas. Second, We are here to stop you and Piper from getting Married.

Wait, Why do you keep saying "We"? Who else is with you? Jasper asked.

Lauren and Henry. I should call them and tell them that You are okay. Charlotte said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and texted both Lauren and Henry.

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