Twelve Years for This?!

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This Chapter is going to take place a few weeks later and It's Prom Night. I am going to put some pictures of what they look like in their Prom dresses/ Tuxes. There is going to be a few surprises with this chapter.


Prom. Charlotte Paige had a Senior Prom to attend. She never imagined herself preparing for this moment in a million years, especially since the last dance she attended was almost her last. She chose to get ready at Lauren's house, since Lauren had rented a spa team for the day and had invited the entire cheer leading team earlier that day.

Charlotte, fortunately, had brought her dress and shoes and only needed to do her make-up before the vent.

Hey, Char? Lauren asked.

Yeah? Charlotte answered.

Do you think Jasper and I will hook up tonight? Lauren asked.

No, no, no. Charlotte is feigning a stomachache. "The image of you two together is just something i don't want in my head."

Shut up! Lauren slaps Charlotte on the arm with a gentle slap. "Besides, I believe it will help him break out of the mood he's been in for a while. Have you noticed how much time he's been spending with Nick Robertson? Isn't it strange that they hung out a lot more after we left Vegas than before we left? Isn't that strange?"

Yeah, it sure is. Charlotte replied, but her tone a bit high.

Why did your voice go up like that? Lauren asked, as she stopped applying eyeliner on.

Nothing. Charlotte said, trying to avoid the topic, but her voice still high.

You know how your voice rises an octave when you lie? While Charlotte waited for the truth, Lauren reminded her. "I can handle whatever it is."

I know I shouldn't be telling you this, and I'm certain Jasper will murder me. But who cares. Charlotte remarked this as she turned away from the mirror and faced Lauren. "Jasper could be gay."

Where did you get that? Lauren started laughing, assuming Charlotte was joking.

It was the way he looked at Nick. Charlotte responded. "I seen it myself. It happened the night Henry's father returned from the dead."

That can't be right. Lauren is still giggling. "Why did he invite me to the prom if he was gay?"


Lauren was greeted by a swarm of males holding her roses as she walked through the school Doors.

"Will you go to prom with me?"

"No, go with me!"

"No, with me"

Okay, make room for the girl to breathe. Jasper swooped in fast and ordered the throng to clear a passage for her to exit. " By Tuesday, Lauren will respond to your requests."

The swarm of guys began to disperse, each moving in a different direction, with dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

I see you still don't have a date for the prom. Jasper stated as he opened his locker next to Lauren's.

You've got no idea. As she stuffed her textbooks into her purse, Lauren moaned. "I'm one of the hottest girls at this school, and all I have pinning for me are a bunch of boys in 10th or 11th grade." Apparently, all of the good-looking senior men have decided to branch out this year and go out with the ugly girls, leaving all of us eligible singles in the dust."

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