Misery Is A Cruel Mistress

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Jesus! What the hell is wrong with him? Jasper queitly asked out loud. 

You obviously did not hear. Max replied, leaning against the wall near Jasper's locker, "one of Jasper's basketball teammates."It's all over school." 

All over school? Jasper asked shock, trying to keep in his anger thinking that Nick exposed them.

What a bitch! Who would do such a thing? Max scoffs.

Max. I need you to tell me what happened specifically ? Jasper asked, eager to discover the explanation while simultaneously attempting to combat it.

 So, the story is after he and Kelly broke up, she was seen at a bar across town with a guy in college. Max explained, bending down to tell Jasper the whole story. "She must have been drunk because she audio recorded herself having sex with that man after unintentionally calling Nick and leaving that as his voice message. 

Jesus! Jasper said, in shock. "Nick must be hurt." 

Tell me about it. Someone in history has informed me that he is considering transferring. Max said, his gaze falling on Nick, who was hunting for something in his locker.

It's April. Jasper was taken aback. "Does he realize that if he does that, his chances of graduating are gone?"

Woah! Relax, dude. I said he's thinking about it, not doing it. Jasper felt relieved when Max reassured him. 

Sorry, dude. Jasper exhaled deeply. "I've had a lot on my mind lately, and this is only adding to it. I'll catch up with you after practice."

Alright. Bet. Max said, bouncing the basketball down the hallway to his next class. 

Oh, Nicholas. What the hell is going on with you? Before slamming his locker, Jasper whispered to himself.

Ring Ring


After his English class, Henry came sprinting down the corridor when he noticed Charlotte strolling down the hall with her headphones on.

Yeah, hen? Charlotte asked, as she pulled away from her phone.

How's Piper? Henry asked, worriedly.

She's doing fine. She said that her doctor said it was just the flu and she needed to stay home and get some rest. Charlotte said.

That's great. Now, I have a little problem that I need your help with. Henry said teasingly.

Oh, really? What seems to be the problem? Charlotte asked, playing along.

I have a serious case of missing your lips. Henry said.

Well, I guess we need to solve your problems. Charlotte said.

Henry pulled her into an empty classroom and started a little make-out session.

Yeah, I needed that. Charlotte said as she broke the kiss.

*Ahem* *Ahem*

Both Charlotte and Henry quickly turned around and saw the school principal sitting at the end of the empty classroom.

Hello, sir. What are you doing here? Charlotte asked, worried.

I am here for teacher evaluations. The teacher just stepped out and was coming back.

Oh. Charlotte said. "Well, this our presentation on the human anatom--" 

Nice try. I'll see you both at lunch today in my office. As he walked out of the room, the principal said.

UGH! What a great first day back> Charlotte muttered angrily as she leaned back on her desk.

Tell me about it. Henry responded with a smile and a raised brow.

What are you doing? Charlotte was curious, but soon realized what he was up to. "NO, Henry. We're not having sex! Jesus!"


Charlotte and Henry entered the principle's office, sat, and waited for the principal to return. They had been waiting for him for at least 20 minutes.

Where has that prick gone? Henry grew impatient as he looked out the small door in the mirror.

HENRY! Charlotte lightly slapped him on the leg.

I apologize for keeping you both waiting. The principal apologized to them both. " I became sidetracked by some work that I was doing."

No worries, it's not like we had better things to do. Charlotte replied.

I know you've both been through a lot in your life over the last two years. With your father and mother dying, Henry. Charlotte, with your mother abandoning you, you going to rehab, and the school shooting. I simply want— The principal started, but was cut off by Henry.

Um...Sir. Can you get to the topic rather than rehashing our traumas like we're traveling down memory lane? Henry became irritated and said.

Okay, I'll get right to the point. The principal said, turning to face Henry. "Henry, One of your relatives called." That's not possible. I have no relatives. Henry laughed before he explained. "Except for my Uncle Randy, who is always wasted before lunch."

It's not your uncle, but someone close to you. Rubbing his hands together, the principal explained.

Who is it? Henry inquired, unsure who it was or why the principal was rubbing his hands so vigorously.

You know what? If I tell you who it is, you'll probably think I'm a psycho. I'll just show you. As he walked there and opened the door, the principal stated. "COME ON IN! They are ready."

Who the hell is the fat— Henry became enraged when he saw who was entering the door. He felt his entire body stiffen and his blood drain.

Hey, Henry. The person's deep voice said. 

Oh my God. This cannot be. Charlotte murmured, her gaze falling on the man in front of them. "You... Is...is....this real? I must be hallucinating.

No, Charlotte. You're not. The man approached her, his hand on her shoulder. "You two, it's been a while. I'm sure you've both got a lot on your minds."

The two teenagers just nodded, speechless.

Why don't we go home and work it out ourselves? The man wrapped his arms around the two of them and murmured.

Sure, Dad. Henry said, speaking for the first time.

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