What Do I Care for Morning

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Yeah, i get that and all, but was it right for us to let her pour herself a mimosa while she is sick? Henry asked, as he just watched just went down. 

Piper is having a difficult time. I mean, she hasn't seen her son since she moved back to Swellview. Charlotte stated as she sat back down on the couch, ignoring Henry's comment. "Speaking of difficult time, where is Jasper? I haven't seen him ever since we got off the plane  yesterday."

He's most likely just sulking  around his place. Alone. Henry elaborated. "I mean, if I found out that a girl I was in love with was in a hotel room with another guy, I wouldn't want to see society."

What for? Henry asked.

Woman things. Charlotte answered. "Just make sure your sister is doing well up there."

Okay, that's alright. Henry sighed. "However, how will I pass the time while you're away?"

hmmm. Consider what I would do to you. Charlotte approached Henry's ear seductively and whispered something so sexual that his pants were up like a tent.

I see your friend down below is very interested. Charlotte mentioned it as she was walking away. "You should try to clam him down considering your sister is up there sick!"

Henry quickly covered his erection, which was the size of a medium banana, as soon as he realized what he'd done.

Jasper's house


Yes? Jasper replied, just coming in through the door. 

Are you just coming in? Jasper's mom questioned. 

Yeah. Charlotte, Henry, and I had to work on a project this past week. Jasper lied. "I just spent the last two nights at Henry's house to try, and complete it."

Oh. Jasper's mom calmed down, knowing that she didn't need to hear more. 

What's with all of this? Jasper notice bags behind his mom. "We going somewhere?" 

No. But your dad and I are. Jasper's mom explained.  "Your dad's mom called, and had an accident while on a ladder and ofc, it means that your dad needed to drag me to the Midwest to figure out how to help her instead of calling a neighbor."

Oh my god, Mom. Jasper said,in shock. "Why are you always so rude when it comes to Grandma? She's a sweet old lady, who doesn't have many friends and all she's doing is asking for your help." 

Sweet?! Ok, I know you love your grandmother and all, but the truth is that she is the woman from hell. While explaining, Jasper's mother giggled. " One time when you were 8 months old, She felt I was abusing you since I was holding you in one, while stirring a pot of bean in the other. The woman had the audacity to report gross negligence and elder abuse to the police and CPS."

How come I'm hearing this for the first time? Jasper said, finding this story suspicious, and also somewhat funny. 

Because she made a mistake, that's all. Coming down the stairs with shoes in one of his bags, Jasper's father spoke up. "You have to let that go, honey. That was nearly 20 years ago."

Yeah, right. You know that the state had to watch me for 90 days soon after that "mistake" Jasper's mother sighed and began to gather her belongings.

You're referring to my mother! Jasper's father walked out the door after her.

Whatever. Before turning to Jasper, his mother rolled her eyes. "Pizza money is on the counter, and you can invite Charlotte or Henry, as well as two additional friends."

We've got to get going, honey. While carrying their suitcases to the car, Jasper's father yelled.

Okay, Jasper, I love you. We'll see you in a few weeks. As she kissed Jasper on the forehead, Jasper's mother said.

I love you, too. As he pondered what had transpired the night before with Nick, Jasper responded. It was completely odd, but it was the only thing on his thoughts as he drove home. He started to walk up the steps to his bedroom, which he hadn't seen for some time.

Knock Knock

Jasper ran downstairs to get the door to thinking that it was his Mom or Dad coming back because they forgot something but to his surprise it was Nick.

Jasper dashed downstairs to open the door, expecting his Mom or Dad to return because they had forgotten something, but it was Nick who surprised him.

Nick! How did you get to be here? How did you find out where I lived? Jasper was perplexed by this strange coincidence.

 You left your wallet at my place and your address was on it. Nick said as he handed Jasper his wallet back.

Oh, Thanks. Jasper said as he took the Wallet and put it on the nearby counter" .You can come in if you want." 

Nick entered the house and stood in the midst of it.

Beautiful home. As he looked around, Nick stated.

Thanks. Jasper said.

Okay, it's clear that we must address the elephant in the room. Nick exhaled deeply. "I didn't plan for last night to go that way, Jasper, because we were all drunk as hell."

Nick. I understand. I had the similar thought, although I'm not sure if I'm gay. If you're gay, that's fine with me. I don't pass judgment. Jasper explained.

I'm the type of man who dislikes labels. This is going very well; I assumed you'd be passing judgment on me right now? Nick had inquired.

Believe me, I've done things you wouldn't believe happened in my life. Jasper murmured something vaguely.

Ring RIng RIng




N: Hello?

S: *crying*

N: What's wrong, Sarah?

S: Amy and I broke up today. I need you here at this second, it's a Movie night emergency.

N: Okay, I will be there soon.

S: Ok, Remember, to bring the break-up food essentials.

N: Yeah, I know. Alright, see you soon. Bye.

S: bye.

End of call.

After concluding the call, Nick turned to face Jasper.

Sorry, that was my roommate, and she needs me right now for some personal issues. Nick stated as he approached the door.

Oh. How serious is the problem? With concern, Jasper questioned.

She had recently broken up with her girlfriend. I promise her that I will always be there. Nick explained.

Oh ok. So, see you later? Jasper explained.

Yes, I'll see you. As he shut the door behind him, Nick remarked.

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