Create the Plan

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Henley hurried down a hallway, anxious to find her mother and sister's room. She wanted to see them the night before, but between her medical check, their interview and debrief, and their medical checks, it had gotten too late and all of them had been ordered to rest by their doctors. So, Henley spent a restless night in a small room thinking about her family and trying not to let her mind wander into nightmare territory.

In the morning, she scarfed down the breakfast that had been brought to her by a nameless agent and waited for the doctor to come back and officially clear her. Once she was deemed healthy, or at least healthy enough, she got her family's room number.

Nick wasn't with her. From what Henley picked up from her doctor, Nick was part of the team Director Thorne put together to plan a major assault against Tayson and the other agents. Henley couldn't quite get a promise out of the director that she would be able to participate, but Henley remained hopeful. She knew Nick would be against it, though.

But right now, all thoughts of Nick and the plans he was helping create were out of Henley's mind. The only thing she could think of was her mother and sister.

Henley reached the right room, hesitated, and then knocked softly.

"Come in."

Henley nearly melted at the sound of her mother's soothing voice. She pushed down the handle and slowly opened the door.

"Henley!" A small figure barreled into Henley, knocking her back slightly, as she came into view in the doorframe. Henley's 12-year-old sister, Freya, threw her arms around Henley's middle and squeezed tightly.

Henley stumbled slightly, but then regained her balance and returned the embrace. She pressed her face into the top of Freya's hair and exhaled. Her very alive, healthy, happy sister was safe, a weight off of Henley's shoulders.

Henley disentangled herself from Freya's arms and approached her mother. Mary Johnson looked tired, and a bit older and more worn, but as Henley approached, her mom's face broke into a smile and wrapped her arms around her oldest daughter.

A part of Henley that had been tense since the first abduction attempt relaxed slightly. She remained still in her mother's arms, fighting back the tears that unexpectedly sprung up in her eyes.

"Mom, I, I'm so sorry about Dad, I don't—"

But Henley's mom was shaking her head, pulling back slightly. "Sweetheart, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm just glad you're safe."

Henley and her mom sat down next to each other on one of the two beds. Freya joined them on Henley's other side.

"I don't even know what to say," Henley said, her voice wavering slightly. "How have you guys been, how's the month been for you?"

"Honestly, until a few days ago, it's been more boring that anything," her mom replied. "After you were attacked, we were rushed to a safe house, and since then have basically been on lockdown, surrounded by several agents. It was stressful at first, of course, but then we all kind of got used to it. We couldn't leave the house, which was difficult, but necessary."

"And then what happened a few days ago?"

Henley's mom sighed, and Henley noticed her eyes got brighter. "He would occasionally have to go into the C.O.D.E. headquarters in Boston, and that's all we thought it was. But then he didn't come back, and neither did the two agents who escorted him. We waited for a few hours, then finally one of the agents came back, injured, and said that the other agent had attacked him and taken your dad. That's all we were really told until we got here."

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