La concrétisation

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"Welcome to One cafe, what may I help you with?" Lisa smiled to the customer

Today her day is awfully packed.

Her co-worker in part time job is sick and at the time Lisa was forced to work with just one another employee, that left the two of them tending the whole busy cafe buzzing with overloaded customers

Lisa grimaced inside while taking an order.

Her cheek were seriously starting to get hurt from endless hours of sporting a business purpose smile to on coming customer and she doesn't understand why she has to wear this silly outfit to begin with

It was a tucked in a cream colored polo tucked inside a black fitting pants paired with shiny black shoes. Her hair were slick, a bit way too shiny even from the hair gel her employer require them to use

Lisa recalled the way her employer, Tiffany beamed with happiness while announcing that they had to wear this from now on for the sake of cafe promotion to get people interested and somehow she even felt the need to emphasize to the other employee that wearing these would be a cute nerd looking concept which she told everyone courtesy of observing Lisa.

Lisa inwardly rolled her eyes to the memory.

The woman often took a quite odd liking of things and sure Tiffany is a good person but she doesn't have to overly emphasize that Lisa is a nerd does she?

"Here is your change, thank you for coming" Lisa stated

She even skipped lunch and dinner due to the busy demand in hand. But still she has no choice, this was her only source of money in order to put food on table and pay her on coming bills.

Lisa was orphanaged since baby, she has no idea where and who is her parents. Nevertheless that never stop her from striving hard to achieve her dream to study in medical school

Thruthfully speaking, Lisa doesn't even get much needed sleep last night because she had to spent hours learning how put on lenses.

Sunmi the nice lady that work in specs shop few block away from her dorm somehow got robbed and the only stock she has left was only these pair of lens.

She was quite ashamed as at that time as she doesn't have any money and Sunmi despite the unfortunate event remain being an angel and even allowed her to pay it later.

Lisa doesn't like being in debt but it was better than spending the night in her room doing nothing and not be able to study because of blurry sight

Now she definitely regretting her decision. It was torture, Lisa feel like some stuff are stuck in her eyes and she can't do anything. She can't rub it no matter what and it get worse whenever she feel sleepy, she learned lenses often get dry in air conditioning environment that's why the only thing she at least could do now were just twitching her eyes left and right, trying to somehow half blink continuously in order dissipate the itching she bear.

Lisa were unaware that she got some odd look from a certain dark haired person

"Uhm excuse me are you okay?"

Lisa blinked her teary eyes once before opening them to see who it was.

Jennie were there trying her very best to stifle her smile as one second later she seem to terribly fail and burst out in a loud laugh earning a few stare from customer around.

"Gosh Lisa look at you. Do you have some sort of eye disease or something?" Jennie teased, by now her laugh continue to echo around the cashier area and on a quick look it may looked like Jennie were crying instead of laughing.

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