Chapter 46: The Notice

Start from the beginning

How unfortunate.

While we Beauxbatons girls put effort into our looks, we put just as much effort into making our features seem natural, and easily achievable. This was what drastically separated the Beauxbatons girls from the Hogwarts girls.

Some of the Hogwarts girls, though thankfully not all, had gone for a more up front approach to put it nicely. Straightening their hair until it frizzed, donning on a full face of makeup that made girls look twice their age and adding unnecessary accessories were just the tip of the iceberg.

As Ana, Mila, Rosalie and I walked arm in arm down the halls before lunch, we passed a group of fifth year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs trying to wear the same red lips all Beauxbatons students were characterized for wearing. Except, these girls had put too much on, and you could tell the group shared the same lipstick around as it didn't work for most of the girls skin tones. We on the other hand wore our own individual shades to go with our coloring. I had once worn Marie's lipstick as an experiment last year and was almost dragged by my ear by Madam Benoit over my error.

"They're wearing eyeshadow too," Ana said under her breath as we passed the group, who looked up at us expectantly. Rosalie couldn't help but give them a weak smile at their attempt but the rest of us walked on, in a true catty fashion.

I won't lie and say we all were in the right here. We were all acting unbelievably judgy to other girls, and I blamed Madam Maxime's pompous talk last night. I couldn't help but feel a bit better after her rather low yet appealing compliment about Beauxbatons girls. Even if I was once a Hogwarts girl, myself.

The girls and I continued into another hall where Ana and Mila's three friends, Aleksi, Ivan, and Ivo were waiting for us, in their coated furs.

"Sorry!" Mila called as she ran up ahead of us. "Our stupid teacher made Charms class go on late."

"It's alright, Ve brought v'ood out," Ivan said helpfully and to our surprise, the three boys pulled out sandwiches they had kidnapped from the great hall.

"It's nice out. Ve thought ve vould all go on a valk vhile ve ate," Aleksi added helpfully as I drew near. He handed me a sandwich which I accepted gratefully with a small smile. Ivo looked on quietly, as we started on through the halls and toward the courtyards. As we walked, I was grateful for Mila and Ana, who kept up most of the chatter while I ate my sandwich as slowly as possible to keep myself from doing nothing. The whole while, I kept noticing Aleksi's glances from the rest of the group to me, and dreaded what that would mean.

Especially given the recent shadow of the upcoming Yule Ball.

"...well Madam Maxime made a whole fuss about the Yule Ball," Mila explained, driving me out of my thoughts at the dangerous topic. "She's putting pressure on us-"

"-To make sure we don't cause any trouble," I said quickly causing most of the group to turn on me in surprise. Mila frowned my way, but Ana, sensing my nerves, nodded along with my story.

"Vhat kind of trouble, exactly?" Aleksi asked curiously as I ate the last of my sandwich while actively thinking of a way to back out of this walk.

Why didn't I just avoid Ana and Mila like Marie did?

"Well..." I started, playing off charm. "What do you expect all girl schools to expect from their students at a dance?"

"Ava!" I turned away from the surprised expressions around me to find Ginny waving my way by the tree with Hermione sitting beside her.

"Thanks for the sandwich," I said with a smile up to Aleksi who was watching me blind sighted before I dashed off, with Rosalie shaking her head in amusement as I left.

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