Chapter Three: New to the Area

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Alex was driving. The California, summer wind lifted the strands of her blonde hair slightly off her shoulders. It was closer to evening back home, but here, it looked about midday. Alex turned onto a familiar road and came to a stretch of houses along the boardwalk, where she knew her Uncle Charlie used to live. She enjoyed seeing Olivia take in the beautiful scenery. She knew Olivia had been to California before, but always to urban areas and never for vacation. She drove past the houses and up a small hill. Palm trees grew along the roadway. The driveway was at an incline. She crept slowly up it and parked the car directly in front of a garage door.

            Turning off the car, she opened the door and swung her long, lean legs outside. “Stay here for just a minute”, she said to Olivia.

            She stepped quickly over to a welcome mat to the right side of a garage door. She reached under and took out a small, blue remote. Clicking one button, the garage door slid upward to the ceiling. She ran back toward the car and got inside. She looked at Olivia. “He always left it there”, she said with a small smile.

            Bags in hand, Alex opened the side door of the garage that led to the inside of the house.


            “So what’s the plan, Stan?” Olivia asked Alex, as she relaxed back onto the cushions of the leather couch.

            “Say that again, Benson, and you’re sleeping outside”, Alex replied. “And speaking of which-“

            “Wait, don’t tell me you meant it”, Olivia lifted her eyebrows jokingly.

            “No, I was talking as far as sleeping arrangements go”, Alex said, lowering her tone, as if she almost regretted what she was going to say. “There are two bedrooms in this house. One was a guest room and one was Charlie’s. And I guess I don’t have the heart to sleep where he did and so, I mean, unless you’re totally against sleeping with other people, you could sleep with me”, Alex said, the words pouring out of her.

            Olivia nodded. “Yeah, I mean, I don’t know who would be against sleeping with you”, she said before she could stop herself. Her cheeks burned. “As long as you make breakfast tomorrow morning.”

            Nice save, Benson.

            “It’s a deal”, the young ADA responded, trying to hide the smile on her face.

            The next hour or so was spent putting clothes away in drawers and closets. Though the house hadn’t been used in a while, it seemed surprisingly clean. Alex knew she wouldn’t have to do much work on it.


            Alex walked into the living room.


            Olivia turned.

            “It’s fascinating! A house was worth $600,000, the guys fixed it up and now it just sold for $850,000. That’s insane”, said Olivia, returning her attention back to the small TV. “Think we could do that?”

            “Yeah, a girl can dream”, Alex said curtly, taking a place beside Olivia on the couch.

            “Oh, you don’t have to watch this”, Olivia said, tossing Alex the remote. “It is your family’s house.” She hesitated to use the word “uncle” for some reason.

            “Thanks”, she said, but decided on keeping on the channel Olivia was already watching. “So, since you’re new to the area, how about I take you out to dinner tonight?”

            “That sounds really fun! Where were you thinking we go?”

            “Like hell I’m going to tell you. It’s a surprise”, Alex said teasingly.

            “You’re keeping me on edge here, Cabot.” Olivia shifted and curled her legs up underneath her.

            “Is that an issue?” Alex had no idea where these words were coming from.

            “I never said I didn’t like it”, Olivia said with a sly grin, never taking her eyes from the screen.

            Alex laughed silently.

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