"Sounds... Complicated..." She looked down, she doesn't think she'll enjoy it as much.

"Don't worry, all you have to know is that the strongest creatures wins and sometimes they do stuff. You don't have to learn the game to enjoy the movies. In fact, some say that you may enjoy them more if you don't know the game..."

"Why's that?" Her expression changed to a more cheerful and curious one.

"You realize mistakes made entirely for plot reasons, but since I stopped playing it I've been enjoying the movies a lot more! So I can tell you that it's true" I smiled at her unconsciously and she looked away a little red "Some of them can be very dark though, like 13 and 26"

She was now really interested.

"You like that theme?"

"Yes! My favorite movie of all time is 'The Demon of Desire'! "

"That's one Twisted Love story I'll tell you that much. Regardless, I think you're gonna like this one! From what the trailer showed it was about a maiden that was betrayed, and the spirit of Light and the one of Dark help her, but no to achieve revenge and that's where the trailer ends"

"Whoa! I wanna see that!"

I: "(Got her where you want her! Partner!)"


"What's your favorite movie Kai?"

"Oh easy. DUEL! 48"

"You like these ones that much uh?"

"Kinda, that one I love because is both really scary and filled with many colors"

"How does that work?" She tilted her head a little.

"You see the main cast on that one was a group of four girls that want to become professionals. But in the world they were, doing so was practically. Actually no, it was Literally becoming a criminal"

"Whoa! And what they did?"

"Three of them managed to become pros but one of them left since it greatly damaged her family"

"Aw. that's sad... can we watch that one after this one?"

"Yeah, I don't mind"

"Yay! I'll call for some snacks!" She returned to the main room to call the room service.

I:"(You're not gonna stop her?)"

"(Nah, I don't like the texture of those things but I don't mind it for today)"

I:"(BY GOD, She's winning you over!)"

"(As if, She's a strong asset for me and I want her on our side)"

I: "(Where did the you that could take a joke went?)"

"(It's just so we're clear)"

I: "(Whatever you say... aaaaand I'm bored, Wake me up if something good happens!)"

(Before you go. I have a couple of questions)

I: "(Shoot then, It's not like we can hide anything from each other anyway)"

(When I first wielded you, you tried to make me kill fake Iori, or rather Amenonuhoko, why?)

I: "(I wanted to see if you were truly a suitable host, I tried to take control over you)"

"(You make it sound like it was nothing...)"

I "(It's not something I want to remember. You managed to turn the tables then... and that to me is kind of embarrassing... )"

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