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"Mmh...hmm." the old lady sighed in content as she continue to eat what (Y/n) made for them."It was really nice." she complimented her.

"Maybe just because it's not you who cooked granny." she said as she laughed.

Beside her,Neji seems to be bothered by something so she leaned closer and whispered,"What's wrong?"

Neji faced her and shook his head,"It's nothing.I just felt like someone's watching us."

"Maybe it was the other villagers." she suggested.

"Maybe." he then turned to his bowl of food and started eating.
But still the feeling of being watched didn't leave him.


"Be careful you two." the old woman waved at the both of them as they started leaving the village's premises to head towards the Sky country once again.

They choosed the path that go through the hills to avoid  civilization as much as possible inside the Tea Country just to be safe.

A couple of feet away from the village,they spotted a man walking towards their way.

They looked at each other but didn't show any sign of them being a ninja.

(Y/n) smiled at the man,"Good day sir!" she smiled,"on your way to the village?" she asked.

"Mhh.." the man answered and looked between the both of them,"Out for a travel?" he asked question of his own.

The man has a brown hair,matching a dark violet eyes and a short beard.

"Yes sir." she answered.Neji was by her side all the time with a calculating gaze.

"Well,you should be careful then." the man started walking once again,"News has wings and lands has ears."

They was left there standing for a moment,thinking about the way the man had indirectly warned them.Now that I think of it,I think I saw him before. She thought.

Neji cleared his throat,gaining (Y/n)'s attention,"We should keep going." he said before walking once again.

"Mh. Right." Still thinking of the man's somwhat warning,she followed after him but soon she was walking slightly infront of him again.

Not realizing she was about to hit a branch,she tries to recall where she might have met the man.

"Hey." Neji grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him."Huh?" She looked at him curiously,"What's wrong?" she asked.

He pointed at the branch ahead of them and she immediately turned to look at it,"Watch where you going,baka." he said and pulled her behind him.

"B-baka?!" she was surprised by the insult but she realized something that surprised her more My hand's on his! she realized and blushed hard.

Neji noticed this but instead of letting her hand go,he decided to tease her more,"Let's go,my dear"

"EEHH?!" she looked at him in complete shock,"W-who's your dear?!" she tried to pry her hand from him but his grip only tighten.

"Come on," he tugged at her hands as he started walking faster,"It's going to get dark soon."

"Y-yeah but," she blushed,"my hand.P-please l-let go." she meekly whispered.

"Alright." he said,"But if you slip or hit a branch don't cry on me." he continued and let go.

As soon as he let go,she step backed up,only realizing a little late that they are on a cliff.

She lost her stepping and before she even realize she was about to fall right into a river that has a strong current,the gravity started pulling her down.

She reached out towards Neji but they were a little far from each other for her to grab him,all she ever did was reach out and as if the shock prevented her to shout or even utter a call for help.

She silently fell backward with disbelief in her eyes,Way to go (Y/n) she mocked herself and mentally face palmed and here you call yourself a ninja.Amazing.

She was halfway when she saw a hand was reaching for hers that was stretched in front of her.She looked at the face of the one who was reaching for her and relief washed over her, "Why did you come here Neji?!" even if she's relieved,she was worried about Neji specially she knew that he was still recovering from his injuries but still decided to help her.

"Shut up!" Neji yelled at her but grabbed her hand in time and pulled her closer before protectively wrapping his hands around her as they came contact with the river,as soon as they touched the surface of the water,the current immediately swept their bodies away.

They keep on going down to avoid the current of the water in the surface,Neji held (Y/n) closer to him and he held his breath,(Y/n) doing the same.

Why do you keep on risking your life for me? thoughts clouded her mind as she stare at the guy that was holding her Is it because of that one night? he turned towards her with knitted brows You're making it hard for me Neji.You're making it hard for me not to fall for you.

She closed her eyes and let go of Neji's waist to wave some handsigns. As soon as she cast the jutsu,the chakra manipulated water pushed them into dry lands as it protected their bodies from the the water's current.

They catched their breathes before Neji glared at her,"See what I mean?!" he stood up before she helped her,"What if I didn't reached you in time?!" he yelled.

"Sorry." she whispered as she let him drag her away from the water.She knew he was scolding her but he's not really mad and was only worried about her.

They were all wet and the setting sun doesn't help warming their bodies up one bit.

They walked inside the forest for a while as Neji held (Y/n)'s hand tightly but at the same time,gently.

Thankfully they came across a small hut ahead.

"Let's spend the night here." Neji said and led (Y/n) inside before following and closing the door.

They looked around the small hut to see a run down and dirty but at least a descent looking fire place.They started a fire and suddenly Neji asked (Y/n) an embarrassing question and a misleading one at that.

He looked directly at her eyes seriously ,"Take off your clothes." he suddenly blurted out.

(Y/n) blinked at him for a moment,"EEEHHH?!"

May or may not be a destiny ~Neji Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now