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"Hey hey Shinki,don't miss your onee-chan so much okay?" She jokingly pinched her adoptive nephew's cheeks which he only turned his head away in response.

They we're standing by the Train station,bidding fairwell to (Y/n).

"He won't miss his 'OBAA-CHAN' (Y/n), so hurry up and leave already." Kankuro then interrupt,making sure to put more stress on the word 'obaa-chan'.

(Y/n) forced a smile on her lips but her eyes are clearly twitching out of annoyance,"Why so grumpy kitty-cat?Your crush rejected you again?"

"HAAAAA?" Kankuro went and pinched her cheeks,not backing down,she returned the pinch and stretched it more than how Kankuro stretched hers.

"That's enough." Gaara calmly separated them both before an even serious pinching war could occure.Shinki silently stepped back and let his elders take their time.

"Be careful (N/n)-chan." Gaara placed his right palm on top of her head and ruffled her hair.

"You bet,Gaara-kun." She smiled and entered the train.Kankuro,Gaara,and Shinki watched tge train as it disappeared into the horizon completely.

Again,she started her journey and took her usual sit beside the window.She watched as the desert expand wider and wider,her thoughts are drifting back to their conversation yesterday with the village's elders.


  " About this aranged marriage,"(Y/n) opened the topic after seconds of silence.The elders of Suna gathered in one room right after the day (Y/n)'s political marriage was issued together with Gaara,Kankuro,and (Y/n).

"Please give me some time to consider it." She continued.The elders looked at each other before (head) lightly nodded his head."Is there something else?" he asked.

(Y/n) looked at Gaara.Their talk under the sky last night kept them up until her mind wonder to Konoha.She remembered Naruto's favor,Temari's concern,the mystery of her parent's death,and......Neji's face.

"I would like to travel back to Konoha."she blurted out,"I have an unfinished business I need to do."

As if immediately,Baki agreed despite the other elder's protest most especially Ikanago's huff.

The issue regarding her arranged marriage was temporarily settled but the abnormal poisoning symptoms on the hospital keeps on coming back.Although it is not contagious but it still cause deaths.For 5 consecutive days she worked for a temporary pills that could troll the rapid decreasing of a patient's heartbeat.

They can't possibly prevent shinobis in accepting missions because they need to think about the village's economy and reputation,a reason she deeply despise.


She sighed while looking outside the running train.'Gaara's right,there's no such thing as peace in this world.' she thought before sighing once more,'Humans could dump thousands of lives just for their ghadamn interests.Disgusting.'

'Starting my own life,huh?' Her mind wondered to her arranged marriage.She can't help but to wonder who it was. If he's kind or if he's someone she could stay in the same room with.

Then a memory made it's way to her thoughts,'Dang it!' She blushed crimson red as she covered her face with both her hands,'My first...'

Now a growing anxiety toke over her system,it was a small one but anxiety nonetheless.'What if they found out Ivm not ---?' she doesn't even want to continue the word.

"Uhm...Excuse me?" She raised her head to an unfamiliar voice calling for her attention."Is this sit taken?" the guy said.

Her eyes widen when she realized someone saw her got embarrassed all of a sudden...alone.

"U-uh-uhm n-n-no..i-it-it's not." she stammer before moving closer to the window seat to give him a space to sit on.

'Why of all time?!' she turned her face away from the guy beside her.As she turned her vision towards the window,she realized they're drawing nearer and nearer towards the boundaries of the Land of Wind.

"Are you okay miss?" Nearly forgetting about the guy beside her,she cleared her throat and turned to him with a friendly smile."All good." she answered.

"Just in case,here." He smiled at (Y/n) as he gave her a sphare-shape transparent thing and on it's center,a piece of leaf can be seen."It's a mint candy.A relief during travels."

She looked at it but accepted it nevertheless.She popped it unto her mouth and smiled once more,thanking him.He assured her it's nothing before bringing out a book and reading quitely.

Out of curiosity,she looked at him and started analyzing his appearance.His blond hair compliments his purple orbs that goes well with his long eyelashes and fair skin.All complimenting his countenance and striking posture.

She turned to what he's wearing before unconsciously blurting out her thoughts,"You're not a ninja." She looked at him in surprise before covering her mouth with the back of her hands,"G-gomenasai."

She slightly bowed her head but soon rise it after hearing a soft yet musculine chuckle."No need to apologize.And yes,I'm not a ninja."

"I'm on my way to Konoha,it happens that I need something there." he chuckled lightly,"What a coincidence,I'm on my eay to Konoha too!" (Y/n)  apso smiled in hopes of changing her awkward behavior a whule ago.

"Really? I guess we'll be a temporarily travel buddy then." He said before extending his right arm in front of him,"I'm Kin."

She offered a smile,"(Y/n)" she introduced after accepting his handshake.

"So medicinal herbs interest you too." She opened a topic after she glanced at his book.

"Ah,yes. It can't be helped.We live in the outskirt of a village that grows unique herbs." he answered before showing his book at her.

In one glance at the herbs in his book,she recognize what village he is from.The Howling Wolf Village located at the Land of Medicine.

She then again remembered her marriage with the successor of Arino somewhere from the Land of Medicine.The clan was said to have a reputation in the field of poison who could identify all kinds of medicinal herbs.But that was years ago until the pathway leading to the village is marked with eighty-eight torii to symbolise the village's separation from how the rest of the world works.

In short,they have fallen because of what the Kodon clan did to the Reon.It was a typical history of Howling Wolf Village that can be read in history books.

She then turned to the guy beside her,taking the opportunity to learn more about the unique herbs she only seen in history books,because after all,she's a medic.

May or may not be a destiny ~Neji Fanfiction~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant