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A fine morning in Konoha.When the thunder train came to a halt at the village's station,making an end to (Y/n)'s two days journey from Suna.

"Well," Kin looked at (Y/n) as they stepped out the train together,"This is where we part ways." he continue.

"Mh." She agreed with a smile,"See you around." she turned her back on him and waved before sprinting to the Hokage building.

Coincidentally,Neji was also in his way to the said building,about to report from task he was assigned to.

Having something bothering (Y/n),she didn't notice someone was infront of her.

"Oowf!" She collided into a sturdy,cream fabric,catching her off balance.

"(Y/n)." She looked up where she heard an all familiar masculine yet calm voice."Neji." She acknowledge his presence.

"I see you're back." He gave her a gentle smile while offering a hand.She replied with a hum and picked herself off the ground with Neji's help.

"On the way to the Hokage's office?" She asked.She's not a fan of small talks but she started a conversation anyway.'It's better to walk with a small conversation than an awkward atmosphere,right?' She thought to herself.

"Yeah.How was your journey?" Neji asked a question himself as they walked side-by-side."It was good,I met a nice guy along the way." she answered,not being able to notice a glance was sent her way from Neji's direction.

Not long after,they've reached the Hokage's office.Neji knocked at the door and entered after he heard Naruto's permission.

"Neji," Naruto looked up from a file to the new presence of the room,"how was the mission?" he asked. Noticing a hair poking behind Neji,Naruto looked pass him to be greeted by (Y/n).

"Naruto-kun." She called out before waving her hands,"I'm back." Naruto smiled and nodded at her.

"About the mission," Neji stepped forward towards Naruto's desk "I found the rest of the organization."

There was another knock from outside the door before the person entered the office,it turns out it was the Hokage's advisor,Shikamaru.

Neji turned back towards Naruto,choosing to ignore Shikamaru who just entered the office.

"They're hiding somewhere in the Land of the Sky." Neji claimed.

As a country they had a conflict before,Naruto was quite worried and a bit doubtful whether to send his friends in the Sky country given that that all it remains was a ruin of buildings.There might be a trap or something waiting for them to take.

"Naruto-kun,it's okay if you don't want to let your shinobis come with me." (Y/n) smiled,"I could understand your bonds." she added.

Naruto sighed before shaking his head,"No (Y/n)-chan,I know this is important to you and the least we could do as your friends was to protect you." he offered a smile.

"Neji,is that a reliable information?" He then turned towards Neji who nodded confidently,"I assure you it is."

"Okay then." Naruto nodded,"Shikamaru and Temari would go with you."

"Naruto-kun,you don't have to." (Y/n) tried resisting but Shikamaru held her shoulders."It's okay,(Y/n)-chan.Since that organization also stole something from the village,it's also our business to capture them."

"Shikamaru's right (Y/n).You don't have to worry about this." Neji leaned on his right side and rested his right arm on his waist,doing his usual post since childhood while smiling at her.

"Thank you." She softly smiled at all of them before taking a deep breath,"Then let's do it." She said with such determination.

Naruto nodded with a smile on his face,"Set out whenever you guys are ready."

"Hai!" They answered simultaneously and nodded firmly before going out of the room.

"So," Shikamaru opened a conversation on their way to the Nara compound,"You think you could forgive Temari for what she have said last time?"

(Y/n) turned to face him then chuckled lightly,"Of course Shika-kun.Temari is someone who's important to me and someone I can't afford to lose."

Shikamaru then sighed,"Such a drag." he complained.

"Indeed Shika-kun." She lightly laughed.

Neji looked at them as they continued in their conversation,wondering if someday she could also laugh like that with him.

"(Y/n)." They stopped midway when someone called out to (Y/n) who upon making eye contact,smiled genuinely."Ohayo,Temari-chan."

Temari was slightly taken aback for a moment before returning her smile.

"Right on time." Shikamaru stepped towards his wife,putting a hand on his neck and another on his waist,"You see,Naruto gave us a mission in the Sky country and we're about to find you.Save us the trouble now you're here."

At his last sentence,Temari took offence on it and slapped him across the cheeks,"So looking for me is such a trouble for you Mr.Shikamaru?! Huh?!"

A commotion echoed through the streets of Konoha.Neji and (Y/n) watched as Shikamaru tries to calm Temari down with a small.smile.on their lips.

"Eh?" They turned towards Shikadai and his friends who they came across to on their way to the village's gate,"Going to a mission outside the village?"

"Ah yes.Take care of the house while we're gone neh?" Shikamaru patted his son's head."Troublesome otosan." he murmured in return.

"Alright,let's get going Shikadai!" Boruto enthusiastically called out to his friend before running with Mizuki."Ooiy!" Shikadai called out before murmuring their usual catch phrase,'what a drag.' followed by a sigh.

He turned and ran after them while waving at his mom,dad,auntie and potentially uncle and wishing them luck.

Once again,they started walking towards the gate to start their journey towards their mission on the Sky Country.Traveling from Konoha to Sky country usually takes more or less seven days to reach.

Unfortunately ,the thunder rail expand only from Konoha to the Land of Wind and Land of Earth.So they need to finish this journey with feet.

May or may not be a destiny ~Neji Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now