Late Ass Christmas Special :)

Start from the beginning

     "This is ridiculous (Y/N), I'm going to give you one last chance to leave me alone and let me get some sleep before I announce that you were caught violating an idol's privacy by breaking and entering in the middle of the night. A whole lot of people like me, so I can guarantee that a lot of people would be mad at you," Yoongi huffed, laying back down in his bed and rolling over into his side. He was not about to give up whatever rest he could get to play along with whatever stupid prank you we're trying to pull. You never struck him as the type to play jokes on people, at least not the type of jokes that would require sneaking into people's rooms in the middle of the night. He figured you were at least a little bit more respectable than that, but apparently he had been misguided.

     He heard you sigh in disappointment. "Guess I'll just have to do this the hard way," you said.

     Before he even realized what was happening, you dashed at him, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him up into the air. He screamed as you flew straight through his wall, dragging him through the air behind you, and then through the wall himself. 

     "What the hell is going on?!!" Yoongi screamed. As he floated above the Seoul city-scape, things didn't seem like a game anymore, it felt very, very real.

     "I told you, I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past. I'm here to remind you of Christmas in the past, as I'm sure you could have assumed from my name."

     Yoongi could barely believe what was going on. How was he flying? How were you flying? And when did you become a ghost?

     Just then, Yoongi made the bad decision of looking down. All the skyscrapers were below him, and he was surrounded by nothing but the night sky. If he were to fall at that moment, he would surely plummet to his death. So, he started screaming. 

     "I can't die! I'm too important to die!" the man wailed, clutching onto the ghost's arm that held him in the air. This triggered another eye roll from you, or the Ghost of Christmas Past.

     "Relax," ghost you instructed, clearly already exhausted of Yoongi's ego. "You're not going to fall. Now let's go, the show is about to start!"

     Before Yoongi could even question anything, you had blasted off, pulling him even higher than he had already been before at a speed so fast he thought his face might fall off. Then, once he saw he was above the clouds, he thought it was finally over, but he was terribly wrong. Ghost you only slowed for a second before then dashing down towards the ground, flying even faster than before. Needless to say, Yoongi was 100% sure he was going to die. As he started getting closer to the ground, he started screaming his head off, squeezing his eyes shut and bracing for impact. Suddenly, you took a sharp left, flying the two of you into the wall of a building. A building, that was none other than the BTS dorms.

     Once Yoongi felt his feet touch the floor, his eyes popped open. He was in the dorm? All of the other boys were there as well, but they seemed completely oblivious to him having just flown through their wall with you all dressed as a ghost.

     "Did you guys see what just happened?! That child is crazy! She just endangered my life! I almost just died like, three times!!" Yoongi shouted incredulously at his band mates. However, not a single one of them reacted. It was like nobody was even aware that he was there.

     "They can't hear you," ghost you explained. "You're not really in their world right now. We are mere spectators."

     "So you really just woke me up and nearly killed me to have me come look at the people I literally live with? That was awfully productive," he responded, crossing his arms and huffing angrily. Once again, you rolled your eyes.

Brotherly Love  (BTS X READER) *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now