Chapter 4

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hey guys. sorry, i havent been updating much but here it is [:

thanks to soccershortie for finding me a song for this chapter: somewhere only we know by keane. it's a lovely song. 

new cover by isasecret. old cover at the side~


“And really, it wasn’t much good having anything exciting like floods, if you couldn’t share them with somebody.” 

-Winnie the Pooh

12 years ago. Novemeber 13, 2001. First Grade.

"Thank you, Mr. Bus driver," I said as I got off the school bus. 

"You take care, little one," The bus driver smiled before closing the doors and taking off. 

I half-skipped and half-ran to Clo's house. I have so much to tell her today. Clo wasn't able to come to school because she got too sick. And she hate every single little bit of it because she'll be missing the zoo. The zoo was her life. 

I reached Clo's door and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Bennett opened the door after waiting for a minute or so. She was a tall, skinny lady with hazelnut hair that's tied in a loose bun. Her dark eyes sparkled when she saw me and her mouth formed into a wide smile, revealing the dimple on her left cheek. 

"Hello there Kyle." she said as she opened the door wider for me to enter. 

"Hello Mrs. Bennett." I chirped. "I'm here to see Clo. Is she all better?" I entered the house and walked towards the staircase. 

"Much better. Go right up, Kyle. I'll bring up some cookie in a few minutes." I quickly thanked her before rushing up the stairs. I opened the door that led into Clo's room. Her room was painted in a pastel pink color and everything is neatly put away and organized. She was sitting in her bed, under her blanket, surrounded with tissues and her favorite picture books. The minute I enter her room, she immediately look at me and smiled. 

"Tell me everything. Every single little detail. Tell me." Clo demanded. I walked over and sat the foot of her bed, with my legs crossed. "What did you see, what did you see?"

"We saw a lion―"

"Oh, oh, oh, a lion! Roar!" 

She tried to imitate a lion for me and her failed attempt made me laugh.

"Your face looks funny." I laughed as she stuck out her tongue and imitated the lion one more time. I laughed hysterically, my arms around my stomach, and my head thrown back in laughter.

"Your face looks funny when you laugh." She tickled me on my side and oh gosh, Clo was clearly trying to make me die in laughter.

Evil, evil Clo.

"Stop. Oh, stop it, Clo." I tried to stop her from tickling me by covering my side with my arm. Clo finally stopped after I begged her for a millionth time.

"What else did you see?"

"We saw a giraffe―"

"Ooh. I almost forgot about the giraffe. I wonder how long their scarf would be if they ever own one."

"At least a mile long," I joked and Clo laughed.

"Oh yes. With that long neck? Probably even ten miles." we laughed, "What else did you see?"

"We saw an elephant―" 

"Oh, oh, oh, an elephant! Look at me, I'm an elephant!" She used her arm as her elephant trunks and mimicked the trumpet-y sound that the elephants made. I started to laugh hysterically.

Yeah, Clo is defintely trying to let me die in laughter.

After we calmed down from laughing so much, we went back to talking about the zoo. 

"What else did you see?" 

"We saw the polar bears, the pandas, the tigers, the zebras, the monkeys―" 

"Oh, the monkeys! Did you feed them the banana I gave you?" 

I started to play with the hem of the blanket and quietly said, "The zookeeper confiscated it." I looked  back up at Clo with an amused expression. We just stared at each other with our own amused expressions for a few seconds before we burst into laughter. 

"You actually tried feeding the monkey?" Clo laughed, "I was just kidding." 

"I didn't know that!" I smiled, "I even peeled the banana for it too." 

At that moment, Mrs. Bennett walked into the room with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and two bottles of Gatorade. 

Hearing all the laughter a second ago, Mrs. Bennett gave us a curious grin, "What's so funny?" 

"Oh nothing Mommy. Kyle was just telling me what happened at the zoo." Clo said simply. 

"Alright kids, here are the cookies," she set the plate of cookies on the bedside drawer, "and here are your Gatorades," she handed each of us a bottle of Gatorade. "Now you kids have fun." and she left. 

"Hey, you want to hear a joke?" Clo asked me as she opened her bottle of Gatorade. 


"What is the alligator's favorite drink?"  

"What?" I slipped a chocoloate chip cookie into my mouth.

"A Gator-ade."

Sincerely, CloWhere stories live. Discover now