Chapter 5

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hey guys. so i need to ask you guys a favor. so i have absolutely NO IDEA what to write for the next chaper so i'm asking you guys for ideas. however, you have to keep in mind that Clo and Kyle will be SECOND GRADERS in the next chapter. winner gets a dedication ^^

here's chapter 5. enjoy~!

thanks to elfcounsel for making such a beautiful, amazingly done story ad


"Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day."

-Winnie the Pooh

11 years ago. July 29, 2002. First Grade, Almost Second Grade

"Alright kids. It's ready." My dad hollered across the yard, towards the deck, where Clo and I were boredly sitting on the steps, eating frozen fruit pops in this summer hot day while watching my dad and Clo's dad finish building our tree house. 

At the sound of my dad's voice, Clo and I immediatly perked up. We tossed our bare popsicles off to the side and raced to our newly built treehouse on our barefeet. 

"YAY. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, DADDY. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, MR. COLLINS." she exclaimed, as we reached in front of the treehouse and looked at it with that admiring look of  hers. 

"Thanks." I said, giving each of them a hug. Finally, our own little place. 

Both of our dads laughed and ruffled our hair. 

"No problem, kids. We'll be in the living room if you guys need anything." My dad said before they left the yard. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon playing pretend. I was the king who lived in the treehouse and lost his precious beryl gem that he was suppose to present to his brother in his wedding. Clo was the world's famous detective, Sherrie Lock Holmes, who was also the girl-version of the main character of storybook she got for her seventh birthday. She was hired by the king to find his missing gem. Her stuffed bunny, Buttons, was her partner, Johnny H. Watson. 

"Have you solved the mystery yet, Holmes?" I asked in an accent with my deep voice. "My brother's wedding is a couple of hours away." 

"Ah, no fear, my dear king. This case is merely an elementary case for a person like me. I already solved it with all the clues I've already gathered. Right, Watson?" She said as with a knowing smile. She positioned Mr. Watson so he's sitting at the crook of her arm and pushed his head up and down, indicating the fact that he's nodding. 

"Then tell me. Who stole my precious gem?" I asked, frantic. I'm getting a hang on this thing. 

"No rush, no rush at all." She turned around and pointed an accusing finger to Foxy. "He did it. He stole your gem." 

I gasped and looked at Foxy, raging. "Why Foxy, why? You know that's it's our family heirloom and―" Suddenly, my face twisted into confusion. "But how? Foxy, how did you manage to steal my gem? You have no absolutely no access to my library."

Foxy whimpered away after I yelled at him. He should at least answer me with a bark or something. 

"Ah, my dear king, let me ask this question again. Who was allowed to enter your library?" Clo asked, all proud because she knows the answer to the mystery. 

"Only my brother and I,"

"And once again, who recently entered your library?" 

"My brother and my sister-in-law―" and then realization hit me, "It was my sister-in-law! She stole the gem from the library, gave them to Foxy! But, why?" 

Sincerely, CloWhere stories live. Discover now