Chapter 3

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big thanks to letterbyowl for making a banner for me (look at the side)~


“'We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
'Even longer,' Pooh answered.” 

-Winnie the Pooh

13 years ago. Dec. 24, 2000. Kindergarten.  

Ever since I gave Clo a purple crayon, we've been inseparable. We would do everything together. There was absolutely no way to get us apart. In recess, we would always play together in the swings, the slides, and the seesaw. We would always eat lunch together and sometimes we'll even trade food. We would always read to each other during reading period and we would always paint together in the painting area and we would build the tallest tower with blocks together. We wait for each other after school ended and we would walk to the school bus together. We would sit together in the bus and we found out that our houses were on the same street. So sometimes, we would play together with the neigborhood kids. 

We're best friends, that's for sure. 

"Listen up, class. Get into your seats." Mrs. Robinson ushered everyone. She was wearing a Santa hat and was standing in front of our class Christmas tree. Even though the tree was not that big, it was beautiful. Colorful lights and tinsels were strung around the tree, making the tree look as if it's glowing. Baubles with different colors and designs were also hung on the tree, along with other ornaments that Mrs. Robinson brought. The snowflakes we made were also hung on the tree and presents surrounds the base of the tree. And of course, to top everything off, a star is placed on the tippy-top. 

When Mrs. Robinson received everyone's attention, she smiled at us and spoke, "Well, as all of you know, tomorrow is Christmas Day." She waited after all the cheerings were done before she continued. "Our class decided to host a Secret Santa, am I right?" 

"Yes, Mrs. Robinson." we answered in unison. I was practically bouncing on my chair, anxious to know if my Secret Santa got me what I put in my wish list. And all I want for Christmas, is a toy dinosaur. My parents doesn't allow me to buy toys since they thought it was a waste of money, which could be spent on something else more useful. All I ever I got for Christmas were clothes, some sport equipment stuff, and books. So I was depending on the Secret Santa to finally receive a toy.

In this Secret Santa program, I was a Secret Santa for Clo. I was ecstatic when I pulled her name out of the hat. I don't want anyone else to be Clo's Secret Santa because chances are, they probably won't even get her the right present and she'll end up being cranky the rest of the day. It isn't fun to be around Cranky Clo. Besides, who else here in kindergarten knows Clo better than I do? I know exactly what Clo wants for Christmas and it is a stuffed bunny. 

She had a stuffed bunny before. That stuffed bunny was a gift from her older brother, who left for college last year. It's the only thing that she has that connects her to her brother. But, last week, her dog, Foxy, ripped it to bits. Clo was devastated. She cried the whole night and her brother even called to reassure her that it wasn't a big deal and that he'll buy another one just for her. But it just didn't make her feel any better. She hate Foxy so much that she didn't even bother to pet him when she comes home. 

But thank goodness, I was chosen to be Clo's Secret Santa. I went with Mommy to buy a stuffed bunny and it took us forever because I have to find the exact one she had before. I wrapped it up all by myself too. 

"So this is how it will work. I will call up a Secret Santa and they will go to the tree and give the person you were assigned the present." Mrs. Robinson explained. She looked around the class to see if anyone's hand is raised. 

"Alright then. Let's start." Mrs. Robinson reached into a hat and pulled out a piece of paper. The suspense was intense. Who would be the first to be called? What did they get? 

"Kyle Collins." Mrs. Robinson read my name off the paper. It's me! It's me! Oh, Clo would be so happy to see what I got her. I literally ran to the tree and grabbed the one wrapped in purple wrapping paper. My smile was so wide it actually hurt my cheeks. But that didn't stop me from smiling any bigger. 

"Who are you a Secret Santa for, Kyle?" asked Mrs. Robinson. 


Clo's face brightened up, almost brighter than the Christmas tree that I'm standing in front of. She walked up to me, her eyes widened in amazement as she gently took the gift out of my hands. She tore it open and gasped when she saw what I got her. 

"BUTTONS! YOU'RE BACK!" She exclaimed and giggled and hugged the stuffed bunny. She looked at me and gave me a hug too. "THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. You're the bestest friend a girl can have." I hugged her back and beamed. 

Suddenly, she released me and grabbed a present from under the tree. She handed it to me and whispered, "I was your Secret Santa." My eyes widened in amazement and excitement. Clo was my Secret Santa. Clo was my Secret Santa. She probably got what I always wanted. 

I tore open the gift and there it was, a dinosaur. I smiled and said, "Thank you, Clo." 

She smiled back and said, "You're welcome." and we both walked back to our seats, holding the gifts that we received from each other. 

Clo leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Do you know what I really want for Christmas?" My heart sunk a little. Didn't she want the bunny? Did I get her the wrong present? 

I shook my head. 

She continued to whisper in my ear, "What I really wish for Christmas is for you to be my best friend, forever and ever. I don't want to ever lose you. You're the best." 

My heart rose a whole lot. My smile started to grow and this warm feeling starts to develop inside me. Clo leaned away so she can meet my eye. "Will you be there for me, forever and ever?" 

I nodded, "Of course. You're my best friend. I'm suppose to be there for you."

She smiled. "Pinky promise?" She extended out her pinky. I extended out my pinky and intertwined mine with hers and pressed our thumbs together. 

"Pinky promise."

Sincerely, CloWhere stories live. Discover now