"What about it?" Luke said.

"Engagement party, Anniversary dinner, and a wedding next month. I suppose you got a plus one for the wedding?" Marco said with a grin.

"Want to be my date?" Luke asked with humor.

"It sounds like the party of the season and unless you're planning on inviting someone like Grace..." Marco began and Luke rolled his eyes.

"Right." Luke replied, "I actually had completely forgotten about her."

"I'm sure she hasn't. She's probably still upset about the incident at the bar." Marco said and Luke shrugged.

"I'm not worried about her." Luke said.

"I know." Marco replied.

"I don't know I'll be making it to the wedding." Luke said with a sigh.

"Why not?" Marco asked. "You said that she said you should go."

"She was being polite, as expected." Luke said, "I'm absolutely sure she's still mad."

"You haven't talked to her yet?" Marco asked.

"No." Luke said.

"So what are you waiting for? She's not just going to come looking for you like last time." Marco replied.

"I know that." Luke said.

"Well?" Marco asked.

"It's not as simple as you think." Luke said.

"Okay then." Marco said.

"What?" Luke asked.

"Nothing." Marco said.

"Spit it out." Luke said.

"No, thank you. I'd like to live." Marco said. Luke rolled his eyes.


"Romy?" Echo said, turning to look behind her for what seemed like the 10th time that morning.

"What is it?" Romy asked, walking ahead.

"Wait," Echo said, "Wait up."

"Echo, It's getting late. It's nearly 10 and we still have to make it home on time to get our hair done." Romy said in exasperation, "Pick up the pace."

"You know my legs are much smaller than yours." Echo said.

"I can't believe we waited until the last minute to get something to wear tonight." Romy said as they entered the department store. Echo turned back, looking around nervously.

"Honestly, I don't see why you couldn't just wear something you own. You have so many dresses you've never ever worn." Echo said and Romy rolled her eyes.

"Well, that might be the case for me and truth be told, I agree." Romy said, moving towards the back of the store. Echo raised a brow.

"Wait, so then... why did you drag me down here? You told me you had nothing to wear." Echo replied with a frown. 

"Because..." Romy said, smiling at her before turning back to the attendant, "I couldn't let you wear one of those sacks you call dresses and you weren't going to come down here unless I said I needed something too."

"You... lied to me." Echo said, her voice just a whisper. Romy shrugged.

"Let's not point fingers here." Romy said.

"I can't believe you... wow." Echo replied.

"Listen, we are on a time crunch, you know? We still have to get back and get ready." Romy said, "Why don't you just thank me for helping you out so we can move on?"

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now