Looking for Robin?

Start from the beginning

I got Toya to ease up on his academics and trained him in simple self defense techniques, told him to learn how to cook breakfast, and he actually knew how to manage a small bar. I found some strays on the street and sent them to the vets for a check up before taking them back to the cafe and leaving them in the cat room. 

For a full month, I decked out the apartments, the cafe, the basement, and the roof (Don't ask about it yet. It's a secret for now.) with furniture and other necessary things that I got delivered after buying them unanimously online. I checked every light, water sprinkler, and any other device to make sure they worked perfectly so that if there was any hazard, it would be dealt with easily. I may or may not have also baby-proofed every apartment and cat-proofed the cat-proofed in the cafe. I wanted everyone to be safe while in the building so I added some stuff to the building itself to allow for the disabled to have access to almost everything. 

Then for another couple months, I spent my time training the fourteen cats that we had so that they knew what they couldn't and what they shouldn't do. I also potty trained them too and I got them diets as well as separate rooms where only the inhabitant would be able to enter to eat or sleep. Their cubbies were enchanted via quirk and some magic that I got my connections to work on. (Again, don't ask about the quirk or the magic. I had a headache trying to sort everything out.)

While I was busy with the cafe/bar/apartments, Toya handled the website/app, Toga kept an eye on the entrepreneur business, while Eri continued to race through her academics and other lessons. Eri whined about her not having anything extra to do so I let her discover the world of music and she got hooked on playing guitar and dancing. Toga also got into Yoga and keyboard. Toya was content with the way he got everything and actually sometimes complained about the Greek council being children sometimes. Toya did get hooked on singing with Eri and Toga but currently, according to their opinions, I had the best voice. 

So I'm going to give you a quick rundown on what I did. First, I adopted Eri and Toga as my sisters, and Toya became my brother. Second, Toya didn't like hearing his name so instead, we just call him Dabi as his second name and I got him to accept his quirk as his own. Third, I got animal blood to replace Toga's thirst for human blood and I managed to curb her slightly maniac tendencies although she still did take up knife throwing. Fourth, I dumped the website and the entrepreneur-ing on Toga and Dabi because I was too busy handling the cats while fixing up the entire building. Fifth, I also installed some parking lifts like the one at my warehouse so that people wouldn't have to worry as much about parking space. The parking lifts in front of the cafe were larger and could hold to at least five cars under the road which meant that one space could have six cars.

Then when I got the opportunity to do so, I enrolled myself into middle school. I left the website in Eri's capable hands (She's smarter than she looks.) and Toga finally got my mom's role on the entrepreneur business. I made sure that neither one would start laundering anything from either and I told them to keep it clean. Toya also became the official manager, owner, and landlord of the cat-bar-cafe + apartment building. 

When he opened up, Toya looked for four other people to help him run the cafe and surprisingly, (or maybe unsurprisingly) he found them on the streets as homeless individuals. He hired them after a weeks trial and let them live together in a single apartment unit for free since he thought that because they were already working at the cafe anyway, their money should go to their own needs. Toya also started getting other homeless people into working again and even asked me for ideas on how to give them jobs. I happily gave him suggestions and even bought another huge warehouse near the cafe so they had somewhere to live! I didn't help with the renovations and other stuff but I did give them money for materials and some starter living equipment like a fridge, sink, and other shit.

When the Greek council met Eri, they were kinda mad at me for leaving the site in her hands but after a month trial, they didn't doubt her anymore and started relying on her too. Like how they referred to me as "Chaos", they started calling her "Order" since she kept all of us in line. Yeah, the council could see what shenanigans happened in my warehouse and they got to watch three kids get berated and lectured by the youngest person living in the house. I also released the Roman branch and Eri chose the new representatives. She actually did background checks on them to make sure they were clean and that they would be like the Greek council but again, like the Romans were in comparison to the wild Greeks, the roman council turned out to be more organized and didn't give either of us a headache. They still did but they were better in handling problems than the Greek council was.

Toga continued her schedule like always but when she did start having too much free time, (in her opinion) Toga began helping Eri occasionally with the website and also started keeping track of our money.

Since all four of us were so busy, I started developing some... things... for us. Those new "things" came in the form of glasses and earpieces. Even though we did a lot of work daily, we all still found a way to have time together outside of meals. We started calling ourselves family and since Dabi got a second name, Toga and Eri wanted one as well. So we started calling Toga "MiMi" while Eri got "Snow" as her nickname. They started calling me Deku too but when I asked them why, they said that it sounded a lot like "Dekiru" which meant "You can do it!" and it actually lifted my spirits. I did tell them the reason that I was reluctant to let them use the name but when they told me their reasoning, I just let it go.

On my first day of school, no one recognized me but due to me being quite a loner and having my glasses on, everyone else labelled me as a nerd and bullied me for it. It got worse when they found out I was quirkless. I left it at that because I knew that even though they could hurt me, they would never know my secrets yet. Unfortunately, the only middle school I could get into was Aldera and it was near Kacchans area so it was likely that he was there. Fortunately for me though, I didn't see or meet him anywhere until third year. Behind the scenes, Kacchan cared and he asked me questions but I couldn't tell him much or he'd get targeted too. I explained my current situation to him and he called me stupid or going to school without a disguise on to which I replied by rolling my eyes and snorting. (He didn't like that.) Kacchan also made it a point to stake his claim on me. So, the bullying was more bearable but it still did bring sme worry to my housemates. Kacchan had also tried inviting himself to my new "home" but I only led him into the cafe in which we both got free food and drinks due to the "owner" being my brother (not by blood). That small fact might've freaked him out a little.

I also left Kacchan a way to contact me if it ever came to him that he wanted or needed me to help or something. Told him that the cafe would be his best bet to calling me- through Toya to be precise. During the time I went to middle school, my vigilante activities dropped by half and when Eraserhead managed to catch me to ask about it, I determined that he was worried and curious about why I was beginning to slow down. I joked my way out of it again and promptly dropped off his grid again. 

After a month and two weeks, I returned to being a legal vigilante but stuck myself under a new name and changed my MO as well as my outfit. This time, instead of avoiding everything like a plague like a pro, I made myself look and work clumsier to give everyone else the vibe of being a new vigilante who was just recently starting out. It hurt to do it but it was so worth it since no one paid me any real attention since they were too worried about my two old personas. Hell, I- Robin and Zero even made it to the headlines of every single news channel! That's a huge thing!

Then we return to the time I met Mei Hatsume. A brilliant girl really but her mindset of putting more and more into one thing usually causes explosions. A pain but I helped her decrease the habit of blowing things up. 

Overall, my life was peaceful. By my new standards. And everything was great... Until my third year in Aldera. I'll tell you this much though. Shit went down as fast as a bullet slices through the air to hit a target.

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