Mafia Game

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We're still here at the beach now building tent and creating a bonfire, and we also brought a long small table where we will put our snack and drinks. Its seungcheol idea to camp her outside. We finish building the tent and we sat circled centimeter away from the bonfire.

"we should go play a game." woozi spoke. "what game?" hoshi asked.

"mafia game?" mingyu suggested, earning a nod from crowd.

(a/n: mafia addicta tho)

Vernon is the one who host this game.


The day has come find the mafia.

We talked each other trying to figure out who's the real mafia.

"i think minghao hyung is the mafia." Dino surmised, looking to minghao who silently eating a sweet potato.

"huh?why me?" He asked.

"you're been quiet, and its fishy?" dino confidently replied.

"dino, he's eating thats why he's quiet." wonwoo defended minghao.

"Minghao hyung whats your role?" dino asked.

"why would i say it?" minghao backfired earning a "ohh" from the crowd.

"dino you're little bit strange today, you're working hard huh?" woozi said.

"im the police hyung." he simply replied.

"no, i'm the police." mingyu said smiling obviously they're teasing dino.

"no im the real police i've been checking 2 people." seungcheol butted in. Dino scratch his head and sigh.

"i think its jun hyung." seungkwan said. They all look to jun who's gulping his cola. He almost choke his cola when crowd gazes glued to him.

"no, im a innocent citizen." he defended himself but he's laughing, crowd seems not convince.

"aigoo lets kill him." jeonghan said lifting his thumb.

"who's persistent to kill jun hyung please lift your thumbs 1..2..3.." vernon announced.

"innocent jun out." Vernon said.

Round 2

"wahhH this is crazy, all of us acting too innocent how can we find out the real mafia." hoshi raised his brows and checking for the real mafia.

"shua seems quiet." seungcheol butted in. joshua who keep on playing his drinks lift his head.

"I'm innocent." he replied.

"what about you noona? Who do you think is the mafia?"seokmin asked me, and doubting about my role.

"i'm one of those innocent people who's trying to catch the mafia." i replied.

"oh soobin?how are you?" woozi asked.

"huh?" is the only word came from soobin's mouth.

"The night has come and please lower your head." vernon announced.

"Mafias please choose who to kill"

"Police please investigate"

"Doctor please choose who to save."

"okay thats all."

"innocent seokmin died."

"wooh daebak, who killed you?" i asked eyeing seokmin he let out small smirk and shook his head.

Round 3

"Jeonghan hyung i think its you, i can feel it through my spine." seungkwan opening the 3rd round with another suspicion. I let out a small laugh and their gazes land to mine.

"target." wonwoo said.

"im innocent swear." they nod seems convince by my answer and roam their gaze again.

"well i'm persistent to jeonghan hyung." seungkwan said.

"okay so lets kill jeonghan." seungcheol said.

"we trust your guts boo." he added.

..1..2.3.. "innocent jeonghan died..

"seungkwan is really bad he keep on eliminating innocent, i am now doubting about his role." woozi said.

"i agree with that, we should kill him." hoshi added. Seungkwan gaze glued to hoshi and giving him a wanna die look.

"it seems unbelievable, but i doubted soobin. Kill me if i'm wrong with my suspicion." minghao said eyeing soobin.

Soobin laugh which gained lot of attention..

"wrong move." woozi said.

"got you..!" wonwoo exclaimed.

Eliminate soobin 1..2..3.

"Mafia soobin failed."

"waoo, hao you're suspicion is good." mingyu complimented.

Minute passed innocent are eliminated away. And few of us left..

"its obvious the mafia is good at hiding huh?" woozi mumbled

"show yourself mafias." seungkwan said..

"please mafias introduce yourself." vernon announced. Me and Seungcheol stood up at the same time and laugh.

"sorry everyone for hiding." i said and bowed.

"AHh noona how could you tricked us earlier." seungkwan crossed his arms and raised his brows.

"and hyung you said you're police."
seokmin said.

"i'm really curious about who killed me, and then i remember that the person i've doubted last is noona, are you perhaps the one who killed me?" seokmin rant..

I shook my head and point seungcheol. "really hyung?" he sulked and shook his head.

"soobin, seungcheol and soojin the mafia, dino the police and joshua the doctor, and the rest are citizens." vernon revealed our rules..

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