Night Class

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I open my notes and review some topics, exam is near and all of us are deadass struggling since this semester will ended soon, and another semester again.

I lean my back at my chair and face the ceiling i cover my face with books and rest.

"soojin-ssi" i pull the book that cover my face and turn my gaze.

"yes?" i replied

"Can you lend me your notes for a while?" i handed the notes and he smile.

Minute passed, the door open revealing of Mr. Dam. Some of my classmates starts frowning and joshua at my side busy flipping my notes.

Mr.Dam handed the worksheet to wooseok, and he distributed it to us.

"For the midterms, i hope for great outcome." Mr. Dam announced.

We already receive the worksheet which consist 100 questions no choices, i let out a small sigh and hoping great outcome. The bell rang which means we should start answering..

«Time skip»

We are already done answering our worksheets, yujin and yena drag me to the caféteria. I only buy milk, we sit at the table near the window and talking random things.

"are you okay?"yujin asked.

"yeah i'm okay." i replied but they're not convince. I let out a small sigh.

"yeah i'm not okay." i confessed."care to tell?" yujin raised her brows and waiting for my answer.

"My head hurts and i wanna go home." i replied, and they nod.

"well, we should go first to the clinic, i think." yena butted in.

"take that after meal, and sleep early as you can. Avoid staying late at night cause its not good."the nurse said and handed me a medicine.

We go out to the clinic and we bumped hyemi, she raised her brows and looking at me. I rolled my eye and walk away. We already reach the room, and two more session then go home.

"sorry for interrupting your free time kids, let me just remind you all that today we will be having a night review and i've already check the worksheet. 5students a+ and and the rest are a." Mr. Dam announced.

"well, see you all later, i think." he added, we all nodded.

"Sir!" all our gaze averted to wooseok who called mr.dam.

"Yes wooseok?" Mr. Dam respond.

"by any chance can you let us know who are those 5 students who aim a+?" wooseok asked. Mr dam smile and nod. "thank you for reminding me wooseok, anyways i was impress by this students. So, the 5 aces are Seungcheol, Soojin, Yena , Yujin and you wooseok." Mr. Dam said.

And again five of us gain lot of attention, i look away to their gazes and sigh.

It's already 8PM and we're still here in our school reviewing. Mr. Dam let the five of us handle this crowd while he was out.

"soojin, can you help me with this one?" joshua called and pointed the question in his paper. I look at his paper and explain the method. He give me thumbs up and ruffled my hair.

"Yah, who allowed you to ruffled my hair?" i asked while fixing my hair. He just flash me a smile and stare at me.


"oh something stuck onto your lashes." he lean closer to me and i can feel his mint breathing onto my nose bridge. I felt heat rushing up from my cheeks.

"That was close."

I look away and warming up my face that is burning red.

"aigoo, you're such a cutie when you blush." he said. While reviewing his paper.

"Did i just blush?"

The clock struck 8:30 and Mr. Dam freed us, i fix my things and headed outside where yena and yujin waited for me.

"are you sick? Your cheeks are so red." yena said while putting the back of his hands to my forehead comparing his temperature and my temperature.

"a-ani, i'm okay." i replied.

We headed downstair and yena keep on blabbering about seungkwan, me and yujin also keep on listening to her, cause we all know she have a big fat crush to boo seungkwan. We already reach the gate and we bid goodbyes to each other, as usual i stop at the convenience store.

"Goodevening young lady." the boy at the counter greeted.

"Goodevening too sir." i replied and headed to the milk and biscuits area. I grab some of it and headed to the counter.

"i guess you're a regular customer, i see you come here often." he said while punching the snacks i've grab.

"I'm jaehyun." he said while handing the snacks.

"Oh i'm soojin." i replied and flash a smile.

"oh he's quiet handsome"

"go home safely soojin." he said, i thank him and bowed.

I look at my wristwatch and the clock struck 8:50 i'm sure soobin is deadass worried right now. I took a sip of my milk and start walking, and again i can feel someone's tailing me. I finish drinking my milk and throw it to the garbage can, i stop walking for a while and the footstep of the one tail me stop too. I look at my back and it's not here i sigh and start walking again..

We reached the ally where do dark, only the light of the moon, and street lampost are the source of light in the street. I look to the ground and i can see a shadow of a man.

"show yourself, i'm getting annoyed already." i said annoyingly and face him.

"u-uhmm sorry." he chuckled nervously and lift his head.

"seungcheol?" i asked and creased my brows, he smile as a respond.

"why did you follow me? I asked and look to him directly.

"It's not safe for a girl walking alone in the dark streets." he replied, i nod and continue walking.

We already reach my home and i glance to him he lower his head while walking, i stop and he stop too then lift his head

"so i guess you can go home now."

"uhm yeah." he turn and starts walking. "Hmm cheol?" he turn his gaze to mine and raised his brows obviously waiting for what will say.

"Thankyou for dropping me off." i said. "then go home safely." i added and bowed.

"oh it's okay." he replied and starts walking again..

Seungcheol'0s POV

I was about to head home when i spot soojin outside the convenience store sipping her milk. I follow her heading home. This is one of my duty, safety of my mate. She stop walking and i quickly hide. She walk again but stop suddenly which i failed to hide.

"show yourself, i'm getting annoyed already." she said annoyingly, i lower my head and chuckle but i lift when she recognize me.

I walk her home, and the whole walking session is a total silence. We finally reach her home and we bid goodbye, i already start walking and ready to head but she suddenly called me. I raised my brows and waiting for what she well said.

"Thankyou for dropping me off." she said and i nod. "then go home safely." she added. I dash off and headed home.

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