Chapter 14

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So far so good. My grandparents haven't started anything with mom yet, and Jack and mom are doing their annual food duel. I wrapped my arm around Janes and we laughed. Then I got an idea. Quickly whispering it in her ear, she nodded and we scurried back into the house.

Mom and Jack were too focused ok each other they didn't see us sneak up and pelt them from the side. Mom froze for a second before she chased Jane and Jack chased me. We loaded up with food and attacked them with everything we got. When Jane and I met up, we held a pie in each hand and smashed them in Jacks and moms faces. Just like a cartoon. They fell to the ground with a loud thud. Jane and I high five before strutting away.
"I say I win. Jack you lose!" I called back.
Jacks laughter died and turned into a groan.
"Claraaaaa!!! Why did you have to do that?!" He called
"Because, Coffee-Teas are my favorite too." I stated with a shrug.


"That's my girl." I breathed, as I sat up. Jack following my moves.
"That's not fair." He complained as he tilted his head back. I bumped his shoulder and giggled.
"Don't feel to bad.....old man." I said and stood up, offering my hand.
"I'm the same age as you." He said as he accepted it.
"Yet, you lost." I said a Cheshire grin spreading on my face. He groaned again before we walked inside. We opened presents, before everyone left. Some stayed to help clean up the food off the walls and other objects. I was in the kitchen, where I proceeded to clean dishes and put them on the drying rack. Chloé was cleaning up the food and putting them in the refrigerator. Clara and Jane were putting Clara presents away in her room. And the Wayne's..... they left.
I sighed before placing the last of it on the couch. And I stumbled to the couch. Where I told Chloé and Jane goodnight. Clara joined me a second later.
"How was your party?" I asked her, while wrapping my arm around her.
"It was good. Mick being a clown was my favorite part. Especially when Jean tried to get him arrested." She said with a smile on her face.
"Yeah— good times." I sighed and leaned my head on her shoulder. She curled into my side and sighed.
"Your the best." She whispered. But I didn't hear anything else. I think I mumbled something, before I fell asleep.

I woke up to a blanket tossed over me and nothing beside me. I groaned slightly, and stood up. Carelessly, walking towards the coffee machine. Only to be greeted by my oldest friends.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked with a low growl in my voice.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. We're here to spend time with our best friend we haven't seen fourteen years." Kim said with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed a cup of coffee. I need to go to Burts. I didn't realize I drank the whole cup till I went to take another drink. I frowned, sighed, before placing it down.
"Well, it's good to see you. I missed you guys, question though...."
"Sure, shoot." Kim said and leaned against the table.
"Have you seen my daughter?" I asked and glanced around the kitchen.
"She's upstairs. She woke up a few minutes ago, she's getting ready." Max said with a smile. "She's just like you."
I smiled before cocking my hip. "Well, I'm gonna go change, and we'll go to Burts for Coffee and Tea.....or both." I smirked at the last part. "Oh! And call Chloe, she and Jane will want to join us...... Clara! We're going to Burts for Coffee-Teas! Get ready!" I yelled on my way up. "Oh! And Jane is coming with!"
A few seconds later, I heard Clara come out of her room and walk down the stairs.
"Mom! Did you eat yet?!" She called. I heard her put something in the microwave.
"No! Do you want to do breakfast at Burts or leftovers?!" I called back.
"BURTS!" We yelled at the same time. I heard her laughing as I was gathering clothes. "Kiddo!! Help! Mommy can't decide on what to wear!" I yelled.
"Mom!!! Just pick something! I'm hungry! Clara need FOOD!!!" She yelled back.
I groaned before picking a white tee shirt that showed a sliver of my stomach and a black skirt. I looked around for my flats but couldn't find them. I jumped down the stairs and stopped halfway.
"Hey honey, have you seen my flats?" I asked my daughter who was standing at the bottom of the stairs.
"Black or grey?"
"Mmmmmmm, grey."
"Down here. Now, hurry up."
I grabbed the remaining things I needed.
Smiling I motioned for Kim and Max to follow before we walked out front.

Chloé and Jane were already at Burts waiting for us when we got there. Kim and Max hugged Chloé before we took our seats. Jack came over with our usual drink before taking Max and Kims orders. After we got food and I was already on my second Coffee-Tea, we started the small talk.
"So what have you been up to these past few years?" I asked them.
"Well, Max and I are business partners. Max is a scientist and I and the test dummy." Kim said with a chuckle.
"We all knew this day would come. The day Kim accepted his fate." Chloé said with a chuckle.
"So what's with you and Damian?" Kim asked.
"I don't know. I want to go for it, but he's leaving soon. I'm not going to make him choose between his company or me. Besides, we already had a similar conversation and I already have my answer." I said while looking in my drink. "And he left the party early yesterday. I wouldn't be shocked if he doesn't show up." I drained the rest of my drink before pushing it away. I looked at Jane and Clara and smiled. "I'd love for him to stay, but I can't do the back and forth thing. I want Clara to be happy, and if she wants to go with her father, then I'm not going to stop her. It'll hurt, but it's what she wants."
"What about you happiness?" Max asked as he ate his last bite.
"I would love it if he stayed, but I don't see how it would work out here. I love this goofy town, it's home." I looked at the table full of friends and sighed. I'll never admit it but I wish I could go with Damian. But with Adrien and Lila there, and my design shop here, I don't think I'll ever leave. I would love to be with Damian the rest of my life, but it's just that we're going in two different directions. I shoved those thoughts aside before playing with Claras hair and handing her some money to go shopping.
"Don't spend it all on one place. Make sure you annoy Jean and Mick for me." I said with a devilish smile. "Oh! Don't forget to see the wicked witch and her flying monkey as well. They leave later today."
"I'll tell grandma and grandpa you said hi. Don't do anything too crazy! You have work tomorrow. And you have to help Freddie with the Wayne's tuxes." I groaned. I forgot about that. I went to open my mouth and complain, but Clara held her hand up and I pouted. "Remember that you also need to talk to Grandpa Alfred and Grandpa Bruce."
"Please don't make me. The less I see them the better I'll feel. If I see them I run the risk of running into them if I go there. Clara, Honey, you do it for me."
"I'm not going to tell them. You do it." She stated, before kissing my head and walking away.
"By, Marinette!" Jane yelled
"By Jane!!" I called before facing my friends again.

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