Chapter 7

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I watched my daughter fall asleep against me. Wow. I have a daughter. That's been trying to sync in for years. Clara, my daughter. I've never hated her. I was just dealing with the fact that Marinette thought I would leave her. I was hurt that even came across her mind. Chloé walked in with two cups in her hand, and a girl Claras age.
"What are you doing here?" She demanded
"Showing up. Proving my daughter wrong, and that I don't hate her." I whispered back, trying not to wake her up.
Chloé sighed and sat down next to Clara, the girl in-between them.
"So, how is she?" Chloé asked and motioned to the door across from us.
"Heart attack, in a coma. She said theirs a darkness next to her heart."
I watched Chloé stiffen. She stood up hurriedly, and looked at the girl. "Jane stay here with Damian and Clara. You know how Clara gets when Marinette's sick. I'll be back soon."
And with those words, Chloé ran off leaving me with the kids.


This can't be happening. This can't be happening. I raced home and found the secret compartment in my bedroom, Marinette and I created when we got here. I pulled out the very familiar black box with red Chinese writing on it. I entered the code and pulled out the Ladybug earrings and stuck them in.
"Chloé? What's wrong?" Tikki asked when she formed
"Marinette has a heart attack. The doctors said there's this darkness next to her heart. What's going on?!" I freaked out and paced.
Tikki sighed, "I was afraid this would happen. When she confronted Adrien and he left those scars on her side, there was a risk that it could damage her. Since he was a black cat he can leave more than physical damage."
"So this is Adriens fault. Ok, what do I have to do to fix it?"
Tikki shook her head, "you can't save her. Damian is the only one who can."
I stared at her in shock, "why? Why him?"
"He is her sole mate. It's part of the reason she still loves him. And let me tell you it's a small part of her." Tikki chuckled before sighing sadly.
I paced some more, "is there anything you can do?"
Tikki shook her head. "What does Damian have to do?"
Tikki smiled "kiss her. Simple."
I looked at her and sighed. "Did they have a Sleeping Beauty when the universe was created or something?"
Tikki giggled, "No, but love is very mysterious. But there's a catch. You can't tell Damian anything. He has to do it on his own."
I gasped "WHAT?! But Marinette could die!!"
Tikki frowned "I don't want that to happen, but Damian has to do it."
Sighing I nodded and took the earrings off, before placing them back inside the box. Replacing the box in its hiding place. I took several deep breaths before heading back to the hospital.


That's all I saw.
No matter how much I screamed, or cried, it was just darkness.
And a memory.
Of the night Chat left his marks.
My breathing picked up, and I heard faint, rapid beeping but I was too stuck watching the memory I didn't focus on it.


Damian watched his daughter sleep. Chloé came back a little while ago and she seemed more anxious than ever. They started talking when they heard fast beeping coming from Marinette's room. A few minutes later a team of doctors rushed inside. Damian gently moved Clara so she was laying against Jane and went inside.
The scene scared him.
A doctor was doing compressions, one was pulling oxygen into Marinette's mouth, and one was injecting her with something.
"Come on Angel. Please hold on." Damian whispered.
A few minutes later Marinette's heart rate slowed down and the doctors stepped away. When they left, Damian pulled up a chair and sat down. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.
"Come on Angel. I need you to come back. I need you to wake up and tell me how stupid I was for staying away. Or yell at me for ignoring our daughter. Please Angel, please just wake up." He rested his head against her hand and kissed her wrist.
Chloé watched the scene before her. As Damian talked to Marinette and hoped that he would just kiss her.
"Damian, Alfred and Bruce are here." She said
"Ok. I'll be there in a minute." He replied.
Sighing, Chloé walked back into the hall and sat next to Jane.
"She'll be ok." She whispered to herself.
Damian took a few deep breaths before standing up. He kissed Marinette briefly, on the lips then the forehead.
"I'm so sorry Angel. I love you so much, just please wake up." He whispered before walking out.

Damian greeted his father was stiff hello before guiding them to Marinette's room. But when he entered it was just him. Bruce and Alfred stayed in the hallway checking up on Clara and Chloé. Damian reclaimed his seat and resumed holding Marinette's hand. He squeezed once and sighed. He closed his eyes and kicked himself not looking sooner. Then something squeezed his hand. He looked around but saw no one else.
"It's just my imagination." He mumbled. "I'm going crazy."
"I didn't think Damian Wayne went crazy." A voice said. Damian gasped and looked at the woman I front of him. Marinette giggled like a school girl at his shocked face. "Come on Demon, don't look so down."
Damian laughed and smiled softly. "Only you would wake up from a small coma and say that."
"Who else would Jew you on your toes."
Mari fakes a shiver "that's true. She's scary when she mad or frustrated." She looked at the ceiling in concentration "remind you of anyone?" She gave Damian a pointed look.
"I don't know what your talking about." He said and leaned forward.
Marinette giggled and smiled. "I love you too."
Damian sputtered our a few things that didn't make sense, before he got out, "you heard that? And you faked being asleep."
"Who said I was faking." She said.
"Mom! Your awake!"
"And good morning to you too, sweetheart." Mark said sarcastically
"Yep, she's feeling better. She gets really sarcastic when she's at the tail end of whatever she had." Clara said with a chuckle. "Sometimes it's unconsciously. One time I told her I need her to drive me to school, and she replied with, 'Don't worry mom, I packed all my school books.' I think that one was particularly from the medicine the doctor gave her."
"I bet." Damian muttered.
Marinette draped an arm across her stomach and stiffened. She pulled up the hospital gown and gasped. The scars Chat Noir left behind were gone.
"Holly Tikki, they're gone!" She shouted.
Damian has his jaw hanging loosely. He looked like a fish.
"Close your mouth, or you'll catch fly dad." Clara said with a smirk.
"You have no idea. One time he had his mouth open for so long he caught five flys." Marinette said with a laugh.
"I was staring at an Angel." He shot back with a smirk.
"You suck." Marinette muttered, Damian kissed her head and smiled fondly before whispering.
"Only you."

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