Chapter 2

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I froze, slightly. He can't be here. He can't be...... I slowly turned around and there, in all hi glory, was Damian Wayne. Shit!!!!
"Sorry, who?" I asked, trying to play dumb.
"I know that's you Marinette." He said and stepped closer. I stepped back.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked again, easing myself way closer to the door. I have to get to Clara. Oh boy. This ass hole has some nerve. I turned away when he didn't talk again and rushed out the door. I practically ran out of the Pizza place. Clara, Jagged and Penny were standing waiting.
"Your late." Clara said with a smile.
I forced one on as well. "Well, that's what happens when the crazy lady forgets to order ahead of time."
Jagged and Penny gave me a look. But I shook my head and smiled at Clara again. "Alright, tonight we're doing Pizza and games. We're playing Clue, monopoly, and to top it all off, Uno!" I shouted.
"Rock N Roll!" Jagged shouted
I smiled and laughed, hooking my arm around Clara as we walked home.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Wake up! Mom, Wake up! Come on, I'm gonna be late!"
"I'm up.....I'm up..... I'm up. Plus it's six o'clock in the morning!"
"It's seven thirty!" Clara yelled in my ear.
"Crap!" I jumped up and rushed to the bathroom, changing into Jeans and a te-shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail.
"Are you ready?!" I called to Clara.
"Yeah, but there's someone at the door!"
"Will you get it please! I'm almost done! Jack was suppose to come over and fix the gutter! It might be him!"
I finished applying makeup, threw on my shoes and headed downstairs.
"Hey, Clara! Did you eat a pop tart?!" I asked as I came down the stairs.
"Yes, mom. This guys here to see you." Clara said.
"You have to get to school! It's seven thirty!"
"No, it's seven ten."
"Your mean." I pouted
"No, just know you well. Let's go!" Clara shouted
"Wait, who's here to see me?" I asked puzzled. "Jack should be here soon."
"I don't know who he is, but he's in the kitchen. Go say hi, then take me to school."
"Fiiiine. But you owe me for the morning treatment."
"Thank you Cleopatra, for your dramatics. Now hurry. I have to meet Jane to study before my history test." Clara kissed my cheek and pushed me towards the kitchen. It wasn't Jack in the kitchen.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded
"I came to see you. You ran out when I tried to talk to you last night." Damian said and stepped forward
"Yeah, well, that happens when your angry with someone." I shot back.
"I want to meet her." He said
"You lost that right when you told me you didn't want to meet her. I was fully prepared to come back to you after she was born. And I sent a letter and picture of her to you, and you blew me off. No, you don't to see her." I said. I turned around and walked to Clara. "You need to walk to school today. I'll pick you up after school and then we'll go shopping or something."
"Alright, but don't break anything." Clara kissed my cheek, grabbed her bag and left.
"She looks like you."
"Thank you Captain Obvious. Captain!"
With three leaps he was standing in front of me. I pointed at Damian and said "Out." Captain sprung into action. He growled and barked till Damian was backed up against the front door.
"Marinette, Please heat me out." Damian begged
"I don't want to hear it. I would have 13 years ago, but not anymore." I said. I walked to the back door, got in my car and drove off.


Who was that guy? He seemed familiar.
"Clara? Clara? Clara?!"
"You ok? You seem out of it." Jane, my best friend asked
"Yeah I'm fine. Someone came to the house this morning to see mom, I've never seen him before." I said, "but I have this feeling I know him somehow."
"Maybe he's your dad?"
"My dad wanted nothing to do with me. The only person I know from his side of the family is my great grandpa Alfred. Mom told him because she needed someone to keep them from finding us here."
"Well, I don't know why some one as rich and famous as your dad, would come here, but maybe he wants to get to know you. Have you thought of that?"
"Jane, your forgetting, I don't even know if he's my father. Mom has pictures of him at the house, but he could look different. Mom was 18 when she had me, it's been 13 years later. He'd be 31 and look completely different." I said and flopped onto the grass I front of our school.
"Maybe he's your moms boyfriend."
"So.....what do you want me to say. Yay, mom will finally have a man? No thank you." I sighed and rubbed my hands against my face. This is going to bug me all day.
"Alright, no more talk about this guy. We have a history test today." Jane said and pulled her notebook out. "Let's go through the review one more time."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

True to her word, mom picked me up after school. I dropped my backpack on the ground and collapsed in her arms.
"How was school?" She asked
"Tiring." Mom tried to pull back, but I tugged her back "not done."
Giggling, we hugged for a few more minutes, before we pulled apart. She handed me a cup of coffee, just coffee, and we got in the car.
"You know that we have this agreement to tell each other everything." Mom said
"Well, the man that came over this morning........" mom took a deep breath in "That was your father."
I gasped and looked at her from the passenger seat.
"But, he didn't want anything to do with me. Why is he here? Grandpa Alfred said he'd keep them away!"
"Honey, I know but, he wants to meet you. I kicked him out of the house, but he wants to meet you. It's your decision, always will be, but don't let my judgment for the man interfere with your choice. If you need to talk about it other than me, you can talk to Jane or Jack. Jack...... might be uncomfortable with it, but the look of his face will be worth it. And, he can play devils advocate."
"So if he's here, does that mean Grandpa Alfred is too?" I asked
Mom laughed and nodded. "Yeah, he called while I was at Chloé's. He wants to come over this weekend to see us."
"How's Chloé take it?"
"She wants to kill him. Umm, there are something's you don't know about me that you shouldn't know, but your father is a good guy. Sometimes he doesn't know what to do. The day we met, I ran out off on a tour when I was in high school, and he found me at a park. He asked me out in the middle of an argument."
Mom chuckled as she remembered it. And I realized she still loved him. After everything, she still loves him.
"You still love him, don't you?" I asked
She sighed and gripped my hand. "Clara, I love you with all my heart. But I will always love your father. No matter how stupid, and arrogant he can be, I will always love him."
"How? How can you still love someone, that's hurt you?"
Mom shook her head as we pulled into the drive way. "It's not that simple, it's also the same way I still love my parents. They may have disowned me in some way, but they visit to see you. They're angry with me for not being carful, but I wouldn't trade it for the world." Mom sniffled, wiped her eyes and smiled. "How did you history test go?"
I beamed at her "A+!" I shouted.
"That's amazing! I'm so proud of you. Now, I have something for you." I gave her a questioning look.
"What did you do?" I asked. She jumped out of the car and raced inside. "What did you do?!" I shouted and chased after her. When I caught up to her, she had a black and blue sundress in her hands. I gasped! "You didn't?!"
"I did. I saw it on one of your animated designs and created it." I squealed and tackled her.
"OMG! omg! I love it!" I yelled.
"Go put it on. I want to make sure it fits."
I raced to my room and changed into Th e dress. The dress itself was a light blue, with a black under layer. It was tank top sleeved, and I could wear it with my white sandals. I beamed and threw them on. When I stepped out I heard mom talking to someone.

"Get out."
"Mari come on, don't be like that."
"Dick, leave. I'll ask nicely one last time. Please leave."
"Marinette, please think it through. He just wants to meet her."
"It's not my choice. It's up to my daughter to chose if she wants to meet him. Not me."
"Please talk to her-"
"I don't want to meet him." I said as I stepped out of my room and walked over to mom. "He didn't want anything to do with me when I was born, or any of the chances he had after that, but I'm 13 and I don't want to meet him." I said and looked the man in the eye.
"She looks just like you Mari." The man said. "Wow."
"Thank you, now please leave Dick. I really don't want your guys here." Mom said with a glare. And just then Captain bounced over and sat between us. He growled lowly. A warning.
"Marinette, please talk to him. You don't know what happened after you left."
"I have a pretty good idea. But no, I don't want to. He surprised me this morning with a visit, I don't want to see him or any of you. All you'll do is convince me to let him in, when he didn't want us for 13 years!"
"Marinette, it's not like that! Just listen!"
"Honey, can you go to your room please. I'll come get you when he's gone."
I looked at mom, then at the man, before I nodded. He must be one of my uncles.
"Mom, can I got to Janes house? She and I talked about going o Burts for some coffee."
"Yes, keep you cell on and when your done go to Chloes. Tell her I'll be over to pick you up later. And I might sos her is he he doesn't leave soon."
Nodding, I grabbed my phone and left.

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