Chapter 4

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Today's the day. Today I'm meeting Damian Wayne, my dad. Oh boy. I'm so nervous. I can feel my stomach doing summersaults. Alfred arranged it so we could meet at Burts. I took a deep breath before going inside.
"Clara! Do you want Tea, Coffee or both?" Jack asked when I entered.
"Well—Coffee-Tea please. And pie."
"Coming up. Take a seat."
"Thanks Jack."
I looked around and spotted him, sitting in the back of the cafe. Oh boy. Deep breath. You got this. Remember what mom said.
After an inner pep talk I walked over and sat down.
We didn't talk, just looked each other over.
"Soooo, your my dad." I stated
"And your my daughter."
You could feel the awkwardness between us. And mom popped into my head.
"Just keep in mind, your father isn't the best at socializing. He likes to sit in the back and watch people. He's also a cop, just be carful when you try to hug him or shake his hand. Plus he doesn't smile. He's like Jack when you and I drink seven Coffee-Teas."
I couldn't help it, I giggled. I giggled at how accurate mom was. She's never wrong. My giggle turned into full on laughter.
"What's so funny?" Damian asked
My laughter died down a little, but I was still chuckling.
"Mom. She's told me about you. And it's all true."
He quirked and eyebrow. "What did she say about me?"
He was nervous. He thinks mom talked bad about him. Ugh, the nerve. "Nothing bad. Just that your not a people person, you like to keep to yourself. You scowl all the time. But..... your just a big softie underneath all of that." I played with my fingers under the table.
"God, your so much like your mother."
I looked up at him, surprise written on my face. "Really, she says I'm more like you." That caught him by surprise. "How am I like mom?"
"Your nervous habits, the way you laugh, the way you smile." The look on his face was dreamy, and guilt. "I don't get how she would say your more like me than her."
I giggled "She said that my natural beauty is from her, and my brain and attitude are all you."
He smile. Dad smiled. I can't tell if it's at me or if it's what mom said. So I asked the thing I've wanted to know my whole life. "Why didn't you want me?"
I could look him in the face. "Was it because you hated me before I was born? Did you not want a kid? Mom keeps telling me that you had reasons for not showing up. For not wanting me. And each time i believed her, because she said that you did want me. But I heard your conversation when mom carried me on her back. You said and, I quote 'she's the reason we're torn apart.' So tell me why I'm not good enough to get to know, or the fact that mom keeps holding onto hope that you will love me one day and come looking for me, that she won't have to chose. Every time I ask her if she had a choice, you or me, who. Her answer every time was me, but after I got older she told me that no matter how much she loves you she's choose me because I made her happy after all the crap in her life. When she had you she was happy, so tell me why I wasn't good enough. Your brother didn't even know mom sent you letters and pictures of me. When I was five, and mom sent her letter of my first day of preschool, I sat at the mailbox for hours. Hours and then days, waiting for you to reply. Mom would sit there too. Waiting with me. And you never replied."
"Coffee-Tea. Clara, who's this?" Jack asked
"This is Damian. He's a friend of moms." I said and looked him right in the eye. All the questions, and the pain of not getting answers bursting open. I was getting answers one way or another.
"Hi, Jack."
When Jack left again, I waited for Damian to speak. Waited for him to apologize, or to give me an explanation. He didn't.
"Your not even here to see me or mom. You came for a suit and just happened to run into mom. Of course. Why would you want me anyways. To you in the kid that stole mom from you." I drained my drink and stood up. "I want you and your family out of town by tomorrow. I don't want to see you, I don't want to talk to you, and your going to stay away from mom. You may be my father, but your only my father by blood." I walked outside, placing a smile on my face. When I really just wanted to crumble.
I made it two steps out the door before mom wrapped me in a hug. I tried to hold the tears in, but I couldn't. They were falling on their own. So I stood there, in moms arms and cried. I cried and cried till I couldn't anymore.


She's beautiful. Looks like her mother. Acts like her mom too. I have been looking for her everywhere, but I didn't know what I'd do when I did. Yes I may have known where she lived, but how was I suppose to approach her? So, I sat in my seat and watched her hug her mother. I watched Marinette rub her back and kiss her forehead. I watched and realized I'll never get her back.


"You heard us that night didn't you?" I asked when Claras crying had calmed down.
"Y-Yeah. I just, how could he say such a thing? He doesn't even know me and he made assumptions about me. He doesn't know me and he wants nothing to do with me." She cried.
"Come on, were going to Chloé's. You can talk to me and Jane. Chloé will give you cake."
"I really want some Coffee-Tea." I glanced at the cafe with the monster inside it.
"I'll get the drink, you head to Chloé's. Deal?"
"Mom, if you don't want to go in there, don't."
"Honey, it's fine. I'm going in anyway. I really want some fries too." I said and chuckled.
I stepped back and wiped her tears. I kissed her head and shooed her off. I let the calm mother mask fall and let my anger set in. I'm not going to confront him. I decided. I'll just grab the stuff I need and leave. Taking a deep breath I walked inside.
"Jack, a gallon of Coffee-Tea!"
"GALLON!?" He yelled and stared at me with wide eyes. "No, I'm not going to give you that. You will end up in the hospital."
I sat at the bar and frowned "but Jaaaack, I need my oxygen." I whined.
"How many this time?"
"Seven. And six songs. Plus I had to carry Clara home the other night." I smiled at him and gave him puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, here's the deal..... I'll give you seven cups, promise to ween Clara off it."
I sucked in a breath and grinned. "Fine, but no promises it'll take." I said and pointed a finger at him. Jack chuckled and turned to get the drinks ready. I sat there for a minute before pulling out my note book.

You call me all friendly
Tellin' me how much you miss me
That's funny, I guess you've heard my songs
Well, I'm too busy for your business
Go find a girl who wants to listen
'Cause if you think I was born yesterday
You have got me wrong

So I cut you off
I don't need your love
'Cause I already cried enough
I've been done
I've been movin' on since we said goodbye
I cut you off
I don't need your love, so you can try all you want
Your time is up, I'll tell you why

You say you're sorry
But it's too late now
So save it, get gone, shut up
'Cause if you think I care about you now
Well, boy, I don't give a f*ck

I continued to write and continued to drink one of the Coffee-Teas Jack sat in front of me. When I finished I smiled and wrote the title IDGAF. I smiled at it and looked at the cups in front of me.
"Thanks Jack, your a god." I said as I put my book away and grabbed the trays of coffee-teas.
"Yeah well, just be carful. If I find out you drank these by yourself, I'll find out."
"It was Chloé that told you!!" I gasped dramatically "betrayal!" I put a hand on my forehead and flipped it back. "I could drink my Coffee-Teas for a week. Clara mocked me the whole time. Your cruel." I said with a pout.
"No I'm not. I'm being a good friend and making sure you don't kill yourself with caffeine."
I laughed and looked at him, "Well thank you. But I have had worse. I had several monsters in one day one time, Clara had to strap me to my bed. She said thank you Jack for the idea."
"I don't know what your talking about, just tell her to get a picture next time." He chuckled and I nodded with a smirk.
"She took several. She can show next time."
"I'm counting the minutes."
I busted up laughing, before saying goodbye and heading out the door. But of course not, I'm met with Dick again. I ignore him, but from the look on his face he's pissed. Microphone. They slipped a microphone into Damians pocket.
"Hey Dick, send me the tape. I want to hear what she told him."
He nodded and I continued my walk to Chloé's.

IDGAF- Duna Lipa

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