Chapter 13

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Ok, the song has swearing and mentions of drinking. There are lyrics a little farther down, but it only a few verses. So read at own risk.

"Hey, Mick, Jean. What's going on?" I asked while silently cursing.
"Well, we wanted to wish you a happy birthday, and remind you that you now owe $14 to the charity unit." Jean said.
"Jean. Tell me your kidding. I'm not paying you $14. Come talk to me on a different day, but not today. I paid mine last year on my birthday and you kept coming back. I refuse to let you scheme me out of $30. You did last year. Now don't make me kick your butt this year. I told you it wasn't happening again." I said with a sickly sweet smile that had a slight edge to it.
"Alright. We'll talk tomorrow. Now, I'll see you at your party." Jean said with an annoyed smile. I returned it before facing Jenna again.
"What is his deal? This is the fifth year in a row he has done that." I said exasperated.
"I don't know. But Jean will never change." Jenna said with a sigh. I leaned against mom and wrapped and arm around her waist.
"Should I kick his ass for you?" Mom whispered.
"No. Jean is being Jean. Maybe, we can scare him with our food fight later." I said with a chuckle.
"Oh, I'll be aiming for him. He tried to tax my decorations." Mom said while crossing her arms. I smirked and jumped on her back.
"Ok mom. Party always starts at noon. We better finish our walk, so you can shove me into whatever outfit you have planned this year. Plus, we gotta get dad and catch him up on the big blow outs." I said with a smile on my face. I threw my finger in the air and pointed down the sidewalk. "Forward March!!"
"Yes Your Grace! Bye guys. Catch up with us soon." Mom said to the group, before taking off at a run. While I laughed and giggled the whole time.


Ok. Today is Claras birthday. And not only have I kissed Damian more than once, I have no idea what we are. Yes I want to be together, but we hardly know each other. Hell, we barely knew each other back then. When Clara and I made it back to the hotel, we managed to connect with Damian on the way there, I took her to her grandparents room and dropped Clara off, along with her birthday outfit. She would spend the rest of the morning with my parents, then meet at my place for the blow out. But since I have nothing else todo, might as well talk to Damian. We decided to walk to my place so I could tell him where everything is and how it'll play out.
It was awkward.
So. Very. Awkward.
"Damian, I have to ask, what are we?" I fiddled with my fingers and started pacing. I just couldn't stay still. "Never mind. I'm going upstairs for a minute. Grab a drink, I'll be back in a minute." I said and hurried off.
I didn't go to my room, I went to my 'recording room.' I pulled headphones out and hit record and pressed play on the music.

We could just go home right now
Or maybe we could stick around
For just one more drink, oh yeah

I sang with passion, and a tiny bit of heartbreak. I kept singing through the pain

Here's to us, here's to love
All the times that we fucked up
Here's to you, fill the glass
'Cause the last few days have kicked my ass
So lets give 'em hell
Wish everybody well, here's to us, here's to us

Stuck it out this far together
Put our dreams through the shredder
Let's toast 'cause things got better
And everything could change like that
And all these years go by so fast
But nothing lasts forever

Here's to all that we kissed
And to all that we missed
To the biggest mistakes
That we just wouldn't trade
To us breaking up
Without us breaking down
To whatever's comin' our way

When the song ended, I ended the recording and saved it as Here's to Us. I powered off the machine before taking my headphones off. I sighed and rubbed my temples, before standing and pacing. I made a check list in my head and checked off new song. The rest were simple.
1. Talk to Damian
2. Avoid Damian
3. New song
4. Avoid Parents
5. Get Claras party done
6. Eat to avoid talking
7. Clean up party
8. Work till sleep over comes me

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