Chapter 11

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"Does this happen often?" I asked Clara when the door closed.
"Yeah, whenever my grandparents show up she gets like this. She stopped taking her medication regularly and only takes it when they're around." She sighed "she tried hiding it from me. She wants me to keep believing they're amazing, but I see how they treat her." Clara rubbed her temples and smiled "No matter how much I tell her they'll come around, we both know I'm lying."
I frowned "I'm gonna make sure she's ok. I'll be back in a bit."
I walked down to the lobby and pulled out a book.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

"Alright mama, papa. Granny w-w-will help check you in. Claras upstairs, She'll meet you in a little bit." I heard Marinette say. I glanced up but was baffled by the sight.
Her parents didn't look at her. They completely ignored her. I heard footsteps on the stairs and someone set down they're bags.
"Tom? Sabine? What are you doing here?"
"Adrien, Lila, how are you?" They greeted. They smiled at the two people that ruined Marinette's life and pulled them into a hug. I looked at Marinette, and saw her furiously whip her eyes. She's crying. I turned to the counter and saw Granny clutching onto papers. Then she lost it.
"That's it! I've had enough of this!" She stormed over and shove Lila and Adrien away from Tom and Sabine. "You are disgraceful. Do you really think you can throw away your own daughter?! She did nothing to you. So why do you treat her like that?"
Tom and Sabine glared at the old woman. "This is none of your concern Matilda. You don't know what she did." Sabine said in a low voice.
"Really? Really?! Your going to take the word of strangers then your daughters! What the hell is wrong with you! You are shameful, and a monster! You believe everyone else but your daughter. Someone who helped everyone, and was used as a doormat. I hope you both burn in hell. Do you know where she stayed when she first got here?! She stayed in a small shed just behind the inn. I took care of her till she got a house a few months later. And when she came here she was sobbing. She told me that her parents didn't want her anymore and to get out! I hope someone runs you over!" Granny yelled before walking back to the counter. I looked over at Marinette and saw her shocked. I don't think Granny has ever lost her temper before. I stared at Marinette for a minute. She lived in a shed till she got a house. I didn't know this. I watched her take a breath before walking away. I looked back at her parents, they had frowns on their faces and looked lost in thought. They shook their heads before walking to the counter to check in.


The car ride was horrible. I ended up just turning the radio on, and my whole album was playing. I didn't sing along, but critiqued it to try and make it better. Then watching the whole interaction between them and my two enemies in the world, I couldn't contain it anymore. But I ended up just walking away after Grannies rant. So I focused on setting Claras birthday party set up. Flora was there to help set up the flowers, Jenna and Chloé set up the streamers, and I baked the cake. I had to just focus on Clara and her happiness, and then my parents would be gone. Putting the finishing touches on the cake, I helped Flora finish the flowers before heading to the couch and plopping down. The clown should be here soon. I think Mick is doing it. He does really weird jobs. He better not try anything. He played a fairy princess a few years ago and that was appalling. He reminded me of Kirk from Gilmore Girls. Her party is tomorrow, but Mick normally stays the night and then distracts Clara for awhile. I smiled when the house got quiet, and everyone left. I plopped down on the couch with a sigh.
"Captain!" I called. He trotted over and plopped his head in my lap. I placed my hand on his head to pet him. "Your a good boy Captain." I said with a smile. I heard the door open and close. "I'm in here Mick!" I called.
"Who's Mick?"
I turned to face the person that entered and smiled when I noticed it was Jack.
I chuckled "You know, Mick."
"Do I? It could be better than Jean."
"Hey! Jean is very nice. He lets me put up my crazy decorations."
Jack laughed "only cause you don't take no for an answer."
"That only happens because he tried to fine me for it!" I crossed my arms and huffed like a two year old. "What are you doing here? The party doesn't start till tomorrow."
"I know. Trust me, I know. I thought I'd see how you were. Your parents don't know the effect they have on you." He said and sat down next to me.
"I'm ok. Clara made sure I took my medicine. I hate that she has to remind me. I'm the adult I shouldn't have to be reminded by my thirteen year old. Granny finally cracked thought she yelled at them in the middle of the inn lobby."
"Really? I would never expect Granny to cave. I've known her my whole life and she has never yelled at anyone......except Jean." He chuckled
"Everyone yells at Jean." I said bitterly.
"Ok, I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Thanks for checking on me. I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a smile. "And if you see Mick out there tell him to come in. He doesn't have to wait outside till I step outside."
He laughed "ok."
When Jack left, Mick walked in a few seconds later. I grabbed the blankets and made him a bed on the couch. Turning out the lights and placing Mick's Clown costume in the bathroom before going to bed.

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