Chapter Twenty-One | Afraid

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"Yeah, it hurt like shit, I got some bruises on my hands, but it was possible." 

He continued to cry, I wanted so bad to comfort him, but I knew it was impossible.

"Is your chest okay? Do the others know? How bad does it look?"

Clay was, generally worried for me.

"They bandaged it, but it still hurts like shit." 

I gently touched my chest, flinching to the touch.

"The others don't know about my chest, but Bad knows about my face." 

I sighed, I didn't want them to know about my chest.

"Are you able to show me how bad it is?" 

Clay asked and I felt my cheeks flush, remembering that he saw my bare chest.

"I mean if you really want to know, I guess." 

I sighed turning on my face cam.

"Am allowed to use my face cam, or will you beat George again!"

He yelled frustrated and very angrily.

"Whatever bitch!" 

He yelled at, who knows who. He turned on his face cam and it was insane for me, after all this time I was finally seeing his face again.

He was in a white room, sitting on a metal bed, it reminded me of a prison.

"Is there anything in there?" 

I asked, but he only frowned.

"Nope, just this metal shit that is a pain to sleep on! Oh, and remember this shit!" 

He showed me the I.V that was attached to him. I instantly broke out laughing as he showed me the I.V sitting next to his bed.

"Those shits put It back on it!"

It was funny to me how angry he was.

"Oh my god, Clay, what did you do to make them put it back on?" 

I laughed at him.

"Shut up bitch! Sorry, George, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to BIRD, who told me to keep it DOWN, because I was screaming too LOUD!"

He screamed as loud as he could, so I turned him down.

"Who the fuck is Bird?"

I laughed.

"Bird, is stalker 2.0, who is the only one who really talks to me, but mind her, I don't want to talk to ANY of you shits!"

He screamed again, but it just made me laugh.

"I was told strictly, and I quote "If you show George the door, I will not allow you to call him ever again." by the shit who is supposedly in charge." 

I broke out in laughter, I should have been afraid of Clay being like this, because of his powers or whatever, but he was being a complete rebel, and it was funny to me.

"So, I'll give you a tour of my humble abode, minus the door!" 

He showed me white walls, nothing was there.

"Where's the bathroom?" 

I asked, clearly not seeing it.

"Oh yeah, they have to sedate me, then take me to it. That includes the shower!"

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