"Nah, it's gonna be a rollercoaster ride once the new boss are here." Her colleague whispered back before she spotted the intimidating woman and she hurriedly get back inside her cubicle without waiting for TaeYeon's response.

"Good morning Miss Jung!" Everyone around greeted as they halts on whatever they were doing and the woman just nod without smiling back at them.

"Good morning Miss Jung!" TaeYeon greeted while bowing her head down as the boss passed by but stopped infront of her desk so everyone silently watched the scene.

"Are you the new hire here?" Miss Jung coldly asked that makes everybody shivers although they're too far from her but they heard it clearly and it scared them.

"Ah, yes I am Madam." TaeYeon answered nervously hoping someone will save her ass right now as she looks around but no one attempts to looks back at her so she could only sighed heavily.

"Kim TaeYeon?" The boss asked.

"Yes Madam." TaeYeon quickly answered.

"Come into my office." Miss Jung said and everyone around them prays for TaeYeon's life or if she will keep her appearance for tomorrow.

"Good luck Miss Kim!" Her colleagues silently cheers for her as support but TaeYeon thought it will be a hell of a ride when she stepped inside the boss office.

"Sit." Miss Jung ordered with her back facing her small employee.

"Thank you Madam." TaeYeon took courage from her colleagues cheer but when Miss Jung stares at her she could only gulped and slowly sat on the couch across her.

"Are you single?" The boss asked while taking off her blazer as she looks intensely at her employee.

"I'm already married." TaeYeon shows her wedding ring so her boss wouldn't suspicious at her.

"Married?" The boss looks more taken aback at the unwanted response from her but she remains cold and professional.

"Does my information has an error from my application that you will fire me today Madam?" TaeYeon gulped and scared that she will lose her job on the first day or her wife will kill her at home.

"Firing you? What are you talking about?" The boss laughed and looks more entertained by TaeYeon's cute behavior and thought her employee peeks her interest today.

"I'm just impressed in your potential when you attend the meeting awhile ago because my secretary texted me about you solving the most of the difficult cases and errors from the financial department." Miss Jung explained made TaeYeon blushed.

"Thank you Madam it's just my favorite subject is Mathematics." TaeYeon shyly said and fidgeted on her seat before the boss stood infront of her.

"Just do your best TaeYeon because I'm proud of people whose hardworking and more focused on her job." Miss Jung lifts TaeYeon's chin so they could stare at each other face to face before she got a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Okay that's all you can go back into your desk and you can go home at 3." Miss Jung widely smiles at TaeYeon who turned into a freezing tomato.

"Do you like the kiss?" Miss Jung teased.

"Thank you Madam." TaeYeon bowing her head down with her flustered face swiftly make her way outside without looking back and answering the older woman.

"Such an interesting target." Miss Jung smirked while watching TaeYeon's clumsiness before she immediately crowded by everyone asking about the commotion inside the boss office.


"I'm home Miyoung ah!" TaeYeon leave the office at 6 since she helps her colleagues on their financial reports before she hailed a cab but she accidentally bumps into her boss inside the elevator yet she just shrugged it off.

"I cook dinner for us." Tiffany appeared from their bedroom with her wet hair showing she just had finished her bath.

"It's a very tiring day." TaeYeon slumped on the couch as she closed her eyes from being burned out from her work.

"I will massage you later honey." Tiffany offers and her ears cheers from excitement as she got up immediately hugging her wife.

"You're the best wife." But Tiffany knew better that her wife might thought about something pervert if they get in bed later.

"Let's eat now or the food will get cold." Tiffany called as she went into their dining table and prepares their dinner.

"Sure." TaeYeon smirks at her wife.

To be continued

P.S. Prince Nichkhun is finally making a move on his new wicked plan to conquer the kingdom within his hands. Will Jung Sooyeon succeed on seducing Kim TaeYeon? ^^

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