"I had"

"What was it?"

"To sleep until the clock hits twelve"

Narrowing his eyes as I took off my hat and gloves i kept stealing glances of him.

"What?" I asked when he didn't moved or talked.

"You can sleep here if you want" crossing arms by his chest he flicked his gaze at the chaise lounge by the corner. It appealed me to, to take the offer. But my mysterious professionalism demanded that that would borderline belittle my capabilities towards him than it conventionally is.

"What should I begin with?" taking the role seriously I stood my ground. But he blinked- stealthily trading his gaze from me to the chaise.

"Close your eyes and rest I believe"

At that very moment- it was evident, crystalline that our equation together is fated to suck.

He wasn't stupid. Quite far-far from him.

And I was prudent. Maybe slightly on ridiculous side.

But when mixed- we both had no clue what to do or what we did or to be done.

He told me to occupy the spare desk on right of his own large mahogany counter top. Aligned with updated monitors and essential blueprints I did what I did outside of the suite.


Same but none that I could call it to be of his Aid. In hours I still wasn't able to claw a sole snippet of task that he asked me to do for his benefit. He did shared his snacks, Nutella sandwich and pebble mints. Not share- But rather toss, shove and fling the carton and packs in my direction as he typed away lazily on his mac book.

No spare glances.

No interrupting mock.

Neither those unfathomable out of blue assertion.

Somewhere in between a sophisticated workaholic and a humanitarian food distributor was he. As for me, I wasn't complaining as his view bridged the need for diversion. I did admired his visual in solitude. Being a girl was hard.

But being a girl in a room with such a man was harder.

With condemning depth when his brows pinched as he concentrated, occasionally pushing those squared glasses with his long finger. Smoothly the time flies, in matter of hours it was evening already. He hadn't uttered a word since morning and I deciphered it was because of the chores he had to do-

I almost pitied him when-

"Ah" he sighed, resting his head as he stared wide eyed at the ceiling. Faintly cradling in the swivel chair as if contemplating the history of universe. Then he wondered aloud "The new release of Battle Royale sucked"

The acutely labored fingers of mine hovered by the keys. My eyes snapped to watch him fist his hands and open as if relaxing them.

"Mr. Yu?"

"Hmm" he closed his eyes and chewed on a invisible gum twice. Hooking an index he went as far as to release the vice of his neck tie. Then slowly tilted and looked at me-

We both waited.

Waited before I initiated and literally used my butt to cause the friction- with the momentum produced in seat, the chair wheeled as I hurriedly used my leg to skate near him . In two paddles I cemented my legs to halt. My eyes squinted at the screen, the running credits of the game he had played rolled on.

"You- I, you-"

"Mr. Yu. Such a charming name"

I thing I produced a set of incomprehensible noises to show how despondent I was.

"Is this what you have been doing since morning?" I asked tremendously annoyed. My gaze lurking at the shelved liquor by our knees. No wonder he was so random yesterday. But what about today?

"Undoubtedly" he unplugs the servers immediately, a whish of guilt goes sooner than it came as he grins. The first smile of the day and it blinded the next question I had. But I voice it before it disappeared entirely out of my system.

"What does Martins even see in you?"

It was distant. A question in regards to my curiosity than his.

"I worked real hard to be here today" his intonation dips, the playful highlights diminished as finally his stare saturated through me. The one he hadn't bestowed on me for time- suddenly too vivid to hold as I looked away. But he kept going- the feel of his eyes on me scorching and near "But the reason I am here, is too sensitive. I can't act on impulse as I am now so close to success. And without a diversion, I don't know if i'd save myself from doing something I will regret"

For long- long second I jumbled the puzzle he threw at me. He doesn't beat around the bush- he practically was a bush himself that beats around. Philosophical at times, and blatantly naked in some.

"I am lost" I said skidding away, he clamped his hand by the armrest to stop the movement.

"I am lost too" he says lowly, lowering his angle to meet me in the eyes

Speechless at the proximity I gaped like a modest fish in aquarium. Only that there wasn't a glass case that separated us and he wasn't looking at me with an interest that a marine enthusiast would.

Maybe a bit of the kind of adoration I had for Glitters. Just a pinch- or may be he just wanted to play with my head and damn was he doing a good job for me to come to an analyzation of him adoring me.

A stranger that I had known for only few days flaunted his epic confidence as he raised his hand and caressed the strands of my hair from my face.

Like a final call I raised my right foot and planted it by the little edge of chair by his man spread. Pushing through I swiftly sailed away to an arms length. He went rigid with his hand still up, unmoving and placid.

His features neutralized in serene sense.

"What are you doing?"

Clipped pause. He seem to surf and deliver what it was-

"Trying to befriend you?" one of his lids wavered smaller and mine widened in amusement.

"Who befriends like that?"


My brows shot up at the antics he pulled to get what he wanted. I had seen Oliver cuddling Felix in a bromance- But also the times he had kicked him on shin for mere puking on his shoes. Emily, wasn't so sweet either, I had my fair share of fun times with her to the worst of it. But was I ready to lead in one more person closer to me when I know that i-

That I would-

"I should be going now" I got up, he followed the suit in seconds.

"Wait-" he probed breathless next to me "You didn't answer"

Looking straight ahead at the door I soothed the pain that arose in my chest. I can't- Not more people to lose,

But my mouth,

Darn voice of mine a traitor as I snappily took the leverage of the situation glaring.

"I won't be here earlier than nine and-" then I showed him my teeth as if to scare him with those blood thirsty fangs "-And I dare you to not switch the game to multiplayer"

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