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Alex made her way to the backyard, a towel thrown over her shoulder and a pair of sunglasses resting on the bridge of her nose.

The sun was beaming down harshly and Alex's mind was a tangled mess of thoughts. After her conversation with Madison, Alex had begged for her to keep her company. So Madison had suggested a pool day in Alex's backyard.

"You have to let me borrow that bikini," Madison said, setting her things by the pool.
"It's gorgeous."
"Why thank you," she replied. Alex slipped into the pool, the cool water forcing a shiver up her spine. "I'm not ready for spring break to be over."

"Me neither." Madison followed her, leaning back against the wall. "Anything from lover boy?"

"Oh stop calling him that." Alex splashed at Madison.
"No nicknames."

"Well you don't seem to mind when Daniel calls you nicknames," Madison replied, a light smirk on her lips.

"Has he ever called you by your first name?" Alex went quiet for a minute, a light blush on her cheekbones.

"Oh shut up." She splashed her own face with the cool water.

Madiaon laughed, splashing Alex and disappearing underwater. Alex sighed and leaned against the pool wall. Cupping water into her hands, she let the water spill over her hair, the coldness giving her a moment of clarity.

Daniel hadn't called her or even tried to contact her after the kiss, and that worried her. Maybe she was right and he was like all the other guys that came though her life. Maybe it was all a game.

"Alex? You okay?" Madison asked, sliding her fingers through her blonde, damp hair and slicking it back.

"You look lost."

"Just thinking," Alex replied quietly.

"About him?" Alex nodded sightly.

"I don't like this." Madison nodded, wrapping her arms around Alex's waist.

"I have an idea. Let's take some pictures of you and post them; that'll give him a reason to think about you. I mean, he probably already is."
"We can take pictures." Alex smiled at the brunette.
"And I doubt he's thinking about me Mads."

"You made out with him in the back seat of his car Alex. That's kind of a big deal!"

Alex gasped, crossing her arms.
"I didn't make out with him, Mads. Get your mind out of the guys."
"Liar, liar, liar." Madison laughed, hugging Alex close. Alex pouted and rested her head on Madison's shoulder.

"You okay Alex?"
"Holy shit, I'm so confused," she mumbled, closing her eyes and relaxing into Madison's embrace.

"I don't like being like this."

"Don't stress about it. Do you want to date him?" Alex pulled away and walked further into the water.

"I don't know. I don't know if I could even date him. He's a fucking celebrity ... Do I even want to put myself through that?"

"Let's just take some photos. I'll make mimosas with alcohol in them," Madison offered.
"With alcohol? Who are you and since when do you drink alcohol, let alone champagne?" Alex looked at Madison curiously.
"I tried it once. Jack gave me his drink one hour."

Madison climbed out of the pool, wrapping a towel around herself and going inside. Alex reached for her phone, sitting in the shallow water. Opening instagram, she clicked on Daniel's account and looked at his posts. She sighed and set her phone down, running her hands through her hair as Madison called for Alex with their drinks



Zach took a seat next to Daniel.

"Jeez, who pissed you off this morning? "

Daniel sighed and put down their choreography.
"No one did. I just have to memorize this.
"When does tour begin? "

" A few weeks," Daniel answered.
"I barely memorized anything. This choreography is too hard..."
Zach shrugged his shoulders and flipped through the script.
"Yes, you're right. I'm probably gonna forget it again like in the 8 letters tour." He sighed

"Where are we going first?"

"Europe and Asia for about 2-3 months. We won't be back until November for the American tour." (A:N just go with it😂 idk how it works lol) Daniel sighed and took the choreography script back. For the first time since his career had begun, Daniel was not ready to leave. He had Alex here and left her for months hurting his heart.

"But I don't know if I want to go on tour.. Atleast not now."
"What do you mean Daniel?"

"I don't know ... I just don't want to leave." Daniel put the script away, running his hand roughly through his hair.
"It feels different this time."
"Yeah because you have a hot girl here, idiot," Zach muttered, playfully pushing Daniel's arm.

"So how are things with her?"
"Fine," he replied, turning his head away. His cheeks began to burn at the thought of Alex's lips and the kisses they shared in the backseat of his car. His mind couldn't seem to calm down that night. His thoughts were a tangled knot, pulling at either end never seemed to fix a thing. "Only fine?" Zach teased, a knowing grin on his face.

"Oh come on, tell me. You fuck her yet?"
"Of course not." Daniel rolled his eyes, giving Zach a look.

"That's not something you're just supposed to ask Herron."
"You must've thought about it at least once," Zach argued.
"She must be hot. Jack told me you saw her at the beach; she must've looked pretty damn fine in that bikini."
"Oh shut up." Daniel stood up from the couch, retrieving his bottle or water from the table. His heart began to race as old memories flooded his mind. He quickly drank the water down, his face burning red.

He could even feel his ears burning with embarrassment, keeping his back turned until the red tones in his face faded away. Zach had gone silent, which was unusual but Daniel found it odd. Daniel turned, watching Zach carefully.

"Zach?" He jumped slightly and looked up from his phone.
"Is everything okay?" Zach nodded slowly.
"You might want to see this Daniel." Daniel frowned and sat on the couch, looking at the phone screen.

"Holy shit."

He read the article headline on the screen.
"You have to be fucking kidding me." "I just saw it right now." Zach sighed. "What really happened that night Daniel?" Daniel groaned and rubbed his temples.

"I need those pictures deleted, now. And it's a long fucking story."

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