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"You cold?"

Daniel asked, turning to look at Alex as they walked into the alley behind the nightclub.

Alex shook her head slightly, stopping with him at the back of the building.

"No I'm okay." She smiled.

"Thanks for inviting me tonight."

"No need to thank me," he replied, leaning against the building wall behind him. "By the way, you look really good tonight."

"Oh." Alex tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Thanks. You look nice tonight too, seems like you actually tried to do your hair."

He grinned and ran a hand through his messy hair. "I always try, but gravity is never on my side."

She giggled softly, standing on her toes ruffling his hair. "I can tell."

He couldn't help but laugh, his eyes quickly falling to her lips. He thought for a moment, deciding his next words. "Any other plans for tonight?" Alex shook her head slightly.

"Now, just going home and probably sleeping, maybe use your hoodie as an extra blanket."

She looked up at the sky, not noticing the red blush that covered Daniel's cheekbones. Daniel quickly turned his head awayfrom her, feeling the heat burn his cheeks.

Luckily, she didn't notice; her eyes were set on the few lingering stars in the sky.

"I hate how I can't see them properly," she sighed.

"See what baby?" he asked after a moment, making sure the red tint and burning on his face had faded.

"The stars," Alex replied softly, her eyes locked with the few diamonds in the sky.

"Too much light, too much pollution; you can't see the stars properly anymore." She held a bit of disappointment in her voice, which Daniel quickly noticed.

"Hey," he said, slowly and carefully wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"How about I take you back to the Hollywood sign at night and you can properly see the stars from there?" Alex nodded, turning her head to look at him.

"I'd like that." She smiled. He nodded, leaving his arm around her shoulders.

"sweetheart, you're fucking freezing." He rubbed her bare arm gently, making slight shivers run through her body that weren't from the cold.

"You're warm,"

Alex sighed softly, hugging him and resting her head on his collarbone, a light blush covering her cheeks.

Daniel slowly wrapped his arms around her, gently resting his cheek on the top of her head. His arms were wrapped around her waist, her eyes slowly falling closed, noticing how quickly Daniel's heart was beating.

Alex felt so perfect in Daniel's arms; he never wanted to let her go. "I like our little talk Daniel,"
she whispered, turning her head to look up at him, a small smile forming on her lips.

"I like y- talking to you."

He grinned, looking down at her, his arms wrapped around her.

"I like our talks too; they remind me what a normal life should be like."

"You mean, a life out of the spotlight?" Daniel nodded slightly.

"That's another reason why I love talking to you." He slowly pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
"You understand and make me feel ... normal."

"There's nothing abnormal about you Dani," she replied, looking up at him, not noticing the small amount of distance between their faces.

"You're normal, but have a special and crazy life." "You're special, princess," he said softly, his eyes locked on her lips.

Alex felt lost in a world of just them, the street noise fading away. Her eyes fell from his, to his lips. Daniel bit his lip, leaning in a little closer to her, until he could feel her long eyelashes brush against his skin like a butterfly kiss.

She could feel his warm breath lightly hit her face, briefly wondering what his warm lips would feel like on hers instead. But before the kiss could touch her lips, their peaceful world of just them was interrupted with a ringing cell phone.

( A/N: sorryyy please don't hate me- )

Alex pulled away, looking up at him with a dazed and dreamy look lingering in her eyes. His eyes locked with hers, the same look lingering in his blue eyes. A few seconds later, she broke away from his gaze, answering her cell phone.

"I have to go Daniel," Alex said softly after hanging up the call. "Madison just called me." He nodded.

"I'll see you soon baby."

Alex smiled softly and gently pressed a kiss to his cheek before disappearing through the alley and to the front of the building Daniel rubbed his temples.

"I almost fucked kissed her," he said to himself, staring at the sky in disbelief.


"Okay, let me get this straight," Liv asked during the drive home.

"Daniel Seavey almost fucking kissed you?" "God, Liv she told you like five times," Madison chided, looking over at Alex who seemed to be close to panicking.

"Do you like him?"

"No shit if I almost kissed back Mads," Alex groaned, running a hand through her hair.

"I don't like feelings." Liv reached into her purse and pulled out a five dollar bill, handing it to Madison.

"Are you going to tell him you like him Alex?" "I can't," she closed her eyes, "he's supposed to go on tour soon and I don't know if he got lost in the moment or actually has feelings for someone like me. He's always been playful and sweet to me, so I'm confused. "

She looked at her friends, then the money in Madison's hand. "What's with the money?"

"We may or may not have had a bet." Liv shrugged. "Mads thought you liked him, I thought you didn't. She won the bet."

Madison smirked, glancing back at Liv and blowing her a kiss. "Now I'm five dollars richer, thanks to my darling Liv."

Alex buried her head in her hands.

" Daniel and I were literally just talking, then he called me special, and we almost kissed.
I don't get it. "

" Well Alex. "Madison took Alex's hand in hers.

" That's how fast the night changes. "

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