Chapter 19

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Before too long we were tearing off across the field toward Fallen Territory, we had recently received a call from the Fallen Alpha that he had the antivenom. So here we are at the crack of dawn running across a field to pretty much get ourselves killed, Dexter and Nova were out front scouting for any Fallen wolves, they stopped short in front of a huge dark castle towering over us.

"There she is ladies" He said, with a small display of shimmers Dexter and Nova had formed back into two completely naked men. Arianna laughed "Well, HELLO there" She smirked. Dexter yanked on her tail then went to find the clothes that he had hidden before hand. When they were fully clothed they pushed open the door to the castle, Arianna then shifted back into a person I followed, it was much easier to fight in human, when you know you have HANDS and not little furry stumps.

"We are here. Come out unarmed!" Nova called out into what looked like a empty castle or so I thought. I heard an evil laugh ring out through the walls "Oh look, the puppy dog and the duchess, What a treat" A voice rumbled. I shyed away behind Dexter.

"Stop hiding and give us the antivenom then we will leave you be" He said again, The voice laughed again "I'm not hiding, I'm right in front of you" It rumbled again when suddenly a dark figure apppeared in front of us "See, not hiding. Now you said you needed the antivenom, for whom?" The figured grinned evily.

"The Alpha's Son, you should know because your wolves mangy claws were the ones who carried the poison" He spat, The figure laughed again "Indeed, but I would need something in return for the antivenom, otherwise that wouldn't be fair, now is it?" The figure saiding widening his grin.

"Her. The Duke's Daughter. She will be my new princess" The figure snarled again, I gulped "Woah woah woah! just a sec man, she is Lucas' mate, not yours old man" Arianna growled at him, "I am not old, in fact I am the same age as you" the figure chuckled. "Show yourself then you coward! stop hiding in the shadow!" she yelled at him again.

The figure laughed once more "As you wish" he said, the figure took a step out of the shadows and Arianna almost dropped dead, There stood Marcus! he had dark hair and red eyes! Surely this was not him! "No way! No!" Arianna scowled at him.

"Lets just say, the better half of Marcus got the better of him, so to say" He chuckled, Arianna was taken aback and looked over at Nova, who was shifting from foot to foot "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS!" She yelled grabbing him by the collar.

"N-No! Not intentionally! it's always been a problem, it has never gotten this bad!" He yelped trying to release Arianna's grasp which was now crushing his windpipe, I grabbed hold of Arianna's hand and yanked it off "Explain! Both of you!" I said glaring back over at Marcus.

Nova gapsed lightly "He He had a curse put on his as a young pup, that gave him an evil persona but also a good persona, which was the Marcus you met but the Evil side laid dormant for ages, I didn't know it would come out now!" He wailed "The last time the evil persona came back he went and became the Alpha of the Fallen, but because the good persona took over, the beta became alpha until the 'Evil' Marcus came back, which is now" He gulped.

Arianna almost flew off the handle and now grabbed Marcus by the throat "You bring him back, RIGHT NOW or so help me god!" She roared. Marcus chuckled "Not until I'm done, if you kill me no antivenom for your best friends lover, or soon to be mine" He smirked. Arianna tightened her grip on his throat "You were MINE. not hers MINE. The RIGHT Marcus was my lover!" She growled and let go of him.s

"Tick tock goes the body clock until Mister Lucas goes bye bye" He said wickedly "So I'm gonna make this short and sweet, gimme the girl and i'll give you the antivenom OR don't and both Lucas and Marcus die, Choose wisely" He smirked.

I just stood their frozen, What do I do? Do I go with him and save Lucas but forfeit our love or kill both of them, Oh dear fracking lord. What do I do..?

***This here is the last chapter, we do see what happens in the next book but until then DUN DUN DUNNN***

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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