Chapter 5

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~Lucas P.O.V~

I started pacing out the front of the Ashford's house, maybe something bad happened? Or the Fallen has gotten to them! The thoughts of the swirled around in my head until I was interrupted by a car pulling into the driveway, Thank god my thoughts weren't correct and they were safe. A tall muscular man emerged from the car, He was clearly the Alpha of the pack, Marcus, Nova and I bowed slightly for the Alpha.

"Your wife is fine, but we might have to discuss something a little more privately" My dad said lowering his voice to the other Alpha.

"Very well, I would like to introduce my only daughter Willow" He said as the door opened and a girl with long black hair stepped out.

My eyes widened. That was her! That's my mate! I can feel! She is beautiful more than beautiful almost as beautiful as a star, I shall call her Belle Etoile for her beauty because she is amazing.

"And this is my son Lucas" I heard my dad finish and I snapped out of my thoughts and turned red.

"O-Oh I'm Sorry, I am Lucas Miss Belle Etoile" I stuttered turning redder, ~Nice going idiot, you said it out loud!~ I heard my wolf growl at me.

"N-Nice to meet you Lucas, but what does that mean?" She asked cocking her head to the side, almost like a dog.

"Thats my secret" I said and smiled, Willow's eyes widened and stared at me.

"Are you a wolf too?" She asked me, Then it hit me, she had seen my teeth!

"Indeed I am, You have sharp eyesight Belle Etoile" I said smiling at her again.

I then saw the redhead girl get out from the car and muttered something to Willow and approached Marcus.

"Why hello there, I am Arianna or Ari" She said winking at him, Marcus chuckled and leaned closer to me

"This girls definitely a keeper, I think I have a connection" He whispered to me tapping his nose "I'm Marcus, Lucas' best friend" he said smiling at her.

My dad rolled is eyes at him and started nudging me and Marcus across the grass "We will leave you to it then, we are just across the street if you need to chat" he said and continued pushing us along.

As soon as we were out of their sight and hearing distance my father turned to us "What was kind of performance was that!" He growled at us, his eyes growing a fierce orange "You made us look like idiots there" he said scowling at us.

"Dad, that girl is my mate, I felt it" I said trying to defend myself, My father held up his hand.

"Until that mark" he pointed at the marking on my arm "Appears on that girl, you don't do anything. Because if something happens, that duke will have my hide on his floor!" He said growled once more and his eyes returned to a dull orange colour. I nodded and nudged Marcus signalling him to spill the beans as well.

"That Arianna girl, I feel as though she is my mate" He said lowering his head slightly, My father looked a bit surprised.

"Same goes for you to then" he said pointing at Marcus' family marking on his arm, Marcus and I bowed slightly and continued walking "I must go talk to Thomas, Go find your mother and help her" he said turning around and started walking back to the pack house.

I opened the door and walked in one step when I was glomped by Robbie a pup to the Crimson Fire pack. "Hey Luke, Did you find your mate today?" He asked getting up off of me.

"Yes, I believe I did but theres no mating signs so it could just be a coincidence" I said dusting myself off and nodding at him. Robbie smiled and high fived me then walked off to Solar a female pup and started chatting to her.

I laughed and went into the kitchen to find my mother slaving over the stove. "Hey Mama, do you need help" I said picking up a cabbage and tossing it up and down like a ball.

"I'm Alright Luke, I heard you found your mate today?" she asked turning away from the stove and smiling at me,

"Oh mama she is beautiful, she is the Duke and Duchess' daughter, but theres no way she will take me as a mate until a marking shows up" I said sighing and putting the cabbage down

"Patience is the key Lucas, just be patient and get to know her and then maybe you will get mated" She said turning back to the stove "Her father's pack house will be finished soon so you could help out there too to get to know her maybe?" she insisted smiling evily.

"Okay Mama whatever you say" I said laughing. I gave her a peck on the cheek and left the kitchen and went up to my room, the pack house was very large so the hallway consisted of all the pack member's bedrooms, I opened the door my room and laid down on my bed, Maybe it is just a coincidence? Or is my wolf deceiving me?

~End of le chapter x3~

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