Chapter 18

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"Holy Fuck.." I gulped, I clambered over the bed and crawled over to Lucas "Luke! Luke! Dude this isn't funny!" I growled at him shaking him vigorously, Lucas didn't even respond to my voice so I started to panic. I threw open the door and bolted down the hallway and into the dining room, I leant over Marrine's shoulder  "Come with me, it's Lucas" I whispered into her ear, She nodded and got up from the chair pulling Dominic by the shoulder and said something in a foreign language to him.

Dominic nodded quietly and followed me up the hallway. I pushed open Lucas' door and pointed toward where he was slumped, Marrine ran over to Lucas and started hugging him "Oh mon beau garçon, s'il vous plaît ne pas être mort! Nous avons besoin de toi, mon fils, ne meurs pas encore!" She whimpered.

Dominic managed to pull Marrine away from Lucas and sit her in the corner, He put Lucas over his shoulder and pushed past me out into the hallway "fané ombre! Il est tombé empoisonnement! Ils ont empoisonné!" He yelled at his pack who were lurking at the end of the hallway. The pack started muttering in what sounded like French, Dominic made his way to the imfirmatory and put him down on the bed, "We need to find an antivenom, Immediately!" He ordered, I stood in the corner with Dexter standing next to me.

"Holy crap man" he sighed, I nodded in agreement. Dexter was like Arianna, My best friend but in guy form. I took a step toward the bed and sat down "Looks like the tables have turned, hey?" I laughed, I knew I wouldn't get a response so I gave up and sat there quietly.

What could I do? As far as I was concerned there was no antivenom, Lucas could die.. and it could be my fault for being there, This is so horrible..

**Alright I take that back this isn't the last chapter XD**

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