Chapter 4

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~Willow's P.O.V~

We pulled into the driveway of the new house, It actually wasnt so bad, It was an old but pretty looking double story villa with beautiful gardens and a porch with a table and chairs sitting on it. We got out of the car and spotted to guys about our age and an two older men standing in front of the stairs to the porch.

The tall older man with black hair stepped forward as we approached him "Good Day, I am Nova Your fathers Beta, I do hope your life here will be splendid" He said flashing a smile at me, he looked about twenty but still pretty good looking. The other older man stepped forward and bowed slightly.

"I am Dominic, I am the Alpha of the Crimson Fire pack, Your mother is fine and is resting but we are unsure of what is initially wrong with her, this though is my son Lucas" He said directing his hand to the wide eyed sex god standing next to him looking like he was smacked in the face with a frying pan.

The guy snapped out of his trance and looked at me "O-Oh I'm sorry, I am Lucas Miss Belle Etoile" he said holding his hand out to me flashing me an amazing smile.

I felt my face start to burn with embarassment "N-Nice to meet you Lucas, and what does that mean?" I asked cocking my head to the side slightly.

"That is my secret" he said turning red slightly smiling again showing a canine slightly larger than a humans.

I stopped and stared at it for a second "You are a wolf too aren't you" I asked smiling slightly. Lucas nodded aimlessly.

"Indeed I am, you have a sharp eyesight Belle Etoile" He said smiling stepping back next to his dad.

I went to go speak to the blonde guy standing next to him when Arianna pushed past me "I'm going first sista, he is good" she said grinning evily. She approached the guy and swished her bright red hair at him "Why hello there, I am Arianna or Ari" she said winking at him.

The guy whispered something to Lucas and chuckled at Arianna " I'm Marcus Lucas' best friend" He said holding his hand out to Arianna whom shook it vigorously.

Marcus let go of her hand and smiled at her. Dominic rolled his eyes at him and spoke up.

"Shall we leave you too it then" he said and nudged the boys away "We are only across the street if you need to chat" he said and continued nudging the guys away.

I laughed and started walking up the stairs "Talk about sex gods" I heard Arianna say from behind me, I shook my head and opened the door. The house already had our furniture fully set up like our old house in Ireland, We both walked up the stairs to the closest room to the stairs and opened the door. Two double beds sat side by side at one side of the room with a fuzzy rug spread across the floor, a plasma tv hung on the wall with a couch in front of it, an ensuite bathroom and the dressers and basic stuff for a bedroom.

"Wowee!" Arianna exclaimed jumping onto one of the beds and sitting down. I sat down on the other bed and laid on my back

"I wonder if my moms okay" I said sighing, she looked very bad on the plane.

Arianna sat up "How bout we go check in up the hall?" she asked already halfway out the door. I got up and followed her up the hallway to my parent's bedroom. I opened the bedroom door and stuck my head in.

"Are you awake mom?" I asked as we crept inside and sat down on one of the chairs. My mother was a pale shade of white with a washcloth placed across her forehead and was sleeping quietly. "I'm guessing she isn-" I was stopped short when my mother stirred and opened her eyes.

"Aww you came to visit your dear mother" she said smiling, she tried to sitting up a bit to talk to us.

"Well I was worried about you" I said giggling, "But are you okay though?" I asked looking at her worriedly.

"Course I am, not sure what it is but surviving" she said laughing slightly, her face fell when she tried to get up and make a dash for the bathroom.

"I'm guessing she is quite sick" I said to Arianna who was leaning against the doorframe. I opened the door to find my mother sitting on the floor leaning on the wall, "Clearly you are sick" I said laughing and helped her up, I helped my mother back to the bed.

"I was watching you and those boys out the front earlier, they seem like good mates" she said smiling, Arianna rolled her eyes

"And you think I am dirty minded" she said laughing. I laughed also when I stopped abruptly, mate? was Arianna a wolf?! and didn't tell me!

"You didn't tell me you were a wolf too!" I stood up angrily and folded my arms, Ariann dropped her head and nodded.

"Yes, I am but like you I don't have a mate so I can't shift between forms" She said quietly still not looking at me "I am your protector because any child of your family is in danger of being taken and/or killed" she sighed and stood up "It''s not my fault I am really sorry though" she pleaded.

I couldn't stay mad at Arianna so I just nodded "Just don't do it again, lets hit the hay, because I am tired and we are depriving my mom of rest" I said still not looking at her and opened the door. Arianna exited the room and I waved at my mother and shut the door behind me. Arianna and I climbed into our beds and laid there for a while not saying a word until we fell asleep.

I couldn't believe this, all in two days I feel like an anvil has been dropped on my head. This possibly couldn't get any worse.


~End of le chapter 4 :D tell me what y'all think!~

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