4| New age Yin-yang

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Ai packed up her books into her brown hobo bag with cream colored flower designs embroidered over it. She slung the bag over her shoulder and headed out the classroom with the rest of the students that offered the subject as well as her.

"It was nice working with you today Ai!" A scrawny dark haired boy with wire framed glasses she had been with to work on a class activity said doing a little bow which surprised Ai a little before saying thank you and scurrying off to meet up with his friends waiting at a corner.

Ai hummed to herself clutching unto the strap of her bag before stalking off. She took in the environment, the freshly repainted pale yellow walls.

A sudden vibration against her leg made her halt in her step as she shoved her hand into her pocket to retrieve her phone and swiping to answer

"Ai!" Hina's voice came clearly from the other end of the phone "Are you still at school?" She drawled and Ai wondered what her friend was up to now.

Only God knew the next thing the girl had cooked up to get Ai's attention and Ai suddenly wondered how she even managed to be friends her for twelve years of her life.

"Yes" Ai said as something picked her attention from the corner of her eyes. She turned her head in the direction of what she noticed creasing her forehead in a frown as she headed towards the makeshift notice board on the wall.

"I want you to come over" Hina croaked from the other end but Ai wasn't paying any attention to her anymore, she was busy reading the poster on the billboard.

"New age yin-yang" Ai read out and a voice suddenly spoke behind her.

"Terrible name right?" Ai watched as the purple haired boy sidled up next to her giving her a smile, she had now forgotten about her friend on the other end of the phone.

She gawked at the boy she hadn't seen since the last time he came with a girl to the Cafe she worked at. He had told her his name that evening and she would never forget it because she kept repeating it her head.

"What are you doing here?" Ai asked blinking at him and he grins shrugging his shoulder making Ai notice the guitar case on his shoulder.

"I school here" he said making Ai to facepalm herself internally for not realizing the possibility of that happening, after all the university was huge and she hasn't even been to certain parts of it before.

"Music performance major" he offered without Ai asking which only makes Ai want to reciprocate the action.

"Play and Screenwriting" she mumbles

"So you're like going to write movies then" he says giving a big goofy grin and impressed look while Ai blushed silently. Hopefully she thinks to herself.

"Jin! Aren't you coming?" A familiar perky voice called out making both of them turn in the direction of the voice. Not too far from them stood the brunette from that night, Ai frowned, did he live his girlfriend to come to talk to her?

"I'll catch up with you guys!" Jun shouted back making the girl nod and walk away. "That's Katie, she's part of the band I'm in" he pointed out probably because he noticed the frown on Ai's face.

I didn't know that, Ai thought to herself allowing a small smile appear on her face as she looked up at him, there was a new hope in her heart now.

"Will you come?" Jin asked giving her an expectant look which she return a confused look at "to watch us play" he said pointing at the poster on the bill board with his thumb.

Ai slides her attention to the band poster, New age Yin-yang, she read again in her mind. They were playing on Friday evening, Ai chewed on the bottom of her lip wondering if she could leave early from work or skip it in total. It was at an underground speakeasylike bar not too far from where she worked so there could make it in time for see them play.

"Will you?" He reached for shoulders staring brightly and hopefully at her.

"Y-yea" Ai sputtered as she felt the contact against her skin, her eyes grew wide as she blushed and her heart began to beat a little faster.

"Great!" A new sparkle appeared in his eyes as he grinned "see you there, I gotta head to practice now" he said before jogging off.

Ai stared as he disappeared around the corner and the phone in her hand began to vibrate. Ai looked at the caller ID as her eyes grew wide, she had totally forgotten about Hana.

The phone stopped vibrating as she read the amount of missed calls she had, eleven. She was so engrossed with talking with Jin she hadn't noticed the phone buzzing her hand.

It rang again and she swiped to answer it. "Ai! What happened?!" She shrieked through the phone "you suddenly stopped talking and when I tried calling again you didn't pick up"

"Sorry I got a little distracted, what were you going to say" she hoped Hina wouldn't mind and go along with the change in topic. Hina doesn't mind at all and dives into trying to coarse her friend to coming over.

"Hina, you know I'm allergic to cats" Ai said as she started her journey out of the university premises.

"I got rid of the cat!" Hina suddenly exclaims sounding very proud of her actions "I found a woman that her daughter loves cats and since the girl's cat died her mum wanted to get her another one so I let them adopt Maggie" Ai listen to her friend say in a rush.

"Fine" Ai gave in "I'm coming over"

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