1| That darn cat

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"I screwed up" Hina whined at the other end of the phone, Ai just rolled her eyes and listened to her friend's melodramatic sobbing.

She could totally win an award with that acting Ai thought before mentally face palming herself, what was she even thinking. Hina is a professional at things like this, being melodramatic is what she knows best and it's what has brought her so far with her Broadway gigs.

"You say that all the Hina" Ai stopped pushing the trolley to examine a pack of kozogami before dipping it in her trolly as she listens to her best friend carry on with her complaints about her new predicament with her long time crush Sagi.

"Uurgh Ai—" she whined again "it's not even that, this time I screwed up big time" Hina groaned through the phone "I embarrassed myself so much that I don't think he might ever want to talk to me again" she whined some more.

"This is why I don't bother myself with this kind of things" Ai said into the phone reaching the isle where she would find her favourite pack of ramen noodles.

Ai has self proclaimed aromatic since the day she couldn't find anyone that picked her interest long enough to like them, she had concluded after twenty years of her life that she just wasn't cut out for the love thing.

"Lucky you" Hina drawled into the phone "it sucks you know, it leaves in an emotional rollercoaster that you can't ju— uuuurghh" the sound of something crashing at the other end of the phone cuts Hana off.

"Maggie get off the tables!" Hina shrieked at the other end making Ai to move the phone away from her ears, she still like her sense of hearing very much to want lose to Hana's yelling.


Hina loathed that cat, it was like they were out to get each other. Hina was left to look after the darn creature after her mum passed away, Ai remembers how much Hina had cried that day before deciding to take responsibility of her mum's cat because she believes that's what her mum would've wanted her to do plus her dad didn't have the slightest idea on how to take care of a pet since he was always off on some kind of business trip.

It seemed the cat had a thing against Hana and was always out to get her cushions, ripping them in however way possible whenever she could and pouncing on glasswares. Ai wondered why Hina still kept that creature around if it cost her a lot to replace whatever it destroyed.

"I'll call you back later Ai, Maggie just kicked one of my dad's collector's edition snow globes" Ai had actually forgotten that she was on the phone with her best friend when it clicked off.

She apathetically shoves her phone in her pocket and she absentmindedly pushes her trolley examining shelves of goods. The resonating sound of a crash brings Ai back to reality as the impact makes her stumble a little and fall back on her butt.

"Shit! I'm so sorry" she hears a boyish voice as say a little disoriented from everything, she notices a pair of feet approach her and crouch next to her "are you okay?" The voice ask and Ai blinks looking at the boy in front of her.

His had hair dyed a very dark purple that it almost mirrored black with dark eyes complimenting his boyishly attractive features, Ai kept staring into his eyes forgetting that she was sitting on the floor a supermarket.

Her lips slipped slightly agape and her heart did slight flutter as he smiled at her before getting up "let me help you up" he said and bent over to reach for her hands to help her up and Ai let herself comply.

"Are you okay now?" He asked again looking down at her, Ai didn't trust herself to string a coherent sentence so she nods and he gives her a brighter smile before nodding and heading back to his trolley.

Ai stared as he the boy casually pushed his trolley brushing past her and giving her a little wave. Ai just stood there a little dazed watching as the slightly muscled boy walked behind her and looking at goods.

Something felt different inside her and this boy had definitely defied Ai's belief of not falling in love.

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