A little prologue and onigiri

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"mph" Ai hummed as she ransacked through the overhead cupboards standing over a stool. Disappointment clouding over her features.

"This is where I usually put them" she mumbled "oh God, please don't tell I've run out of noodles" she rested her head against the cabinet as her nyx shaded hair form a curtain around her face.

Ai sigh lifting her head away from the cupboard and climbing down the stool. It looks like she was going to have to make do with eating onigiri tonight . She makes a mental note to get more noodles when she goes out.

After half-assed making something to eat she finds her way to the parlor of her little apartment, Ai plops on the couch and turns on her television with the remote.

She flips through channels until she rests at her usual, it had managed to pick her attention one time and she had become stuck to it from then.

A new movie was starting and she was already predicting it to be one of those many happy romance movies they showed on the station.

Half way into the movie while Ai pats the inside of her plate for more rice balls her brows furrow. She sighs and sets the now empty plate aside and continue watching as the girl in the movie tries to confess her feelings to the boy she loves but he cuts her shut before she does it.

Stupid she drawls in her mind. That's one thing wrong with romance movies like this, they are always cutting each other off or too slow to say what they have on their mind.

If this is how love is then I don't want Ai proclaims in her mind and turns off the television. She has had enough for one night, she might as well go to bed.

She needed to sleep, tomorrow she had to finish her assignment for her screenwriting class and go to supermarket up street since the convenience store close to her didn't have the type of ramen she liked.

Love Came in a Supermarketजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें