Chapter 10

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I heard him unbuckling his belt. But before he could do anything, I suddenly heard James’ voice, demanding to get off me. I flung open my eyes to see James holding his dad in a head lock. I wasn’t sure how he had gotten out. I looked through the review mirror. Even though James was in the way I could just see through the mirror that he had pushed the back seats in to get out.

“Let her go, you asshole!” he screamed.

Mr Waters pushed James off him and he stumbled in the back seat. “Don’t tell me what to do, you little prick.”

“No. This is wrong, Dad, and you know it.”

Mr Waters chuckled. “Yeah, but I’m not the one that’s going to get into trouble. You’re the one that will be going to jail. The cops aren’t going to believe you two that I raped her. They will believe me and think you did it only because you’re very close to her.” He turned to me, placing a hand on my cheek. “Relax, Ellie. This is going to be great.”

I built saliva up in my mouth and then spat it in his face. He wiped away the spit and then slapped me hard across the face.

“You little bitch!” he slapped me again.

“Don’t touch her!” James punched his dad.

Mr Waters turned on his and punched him back before pushing him back on the seat. James hit his head on the side of the door and lay there still. I prayed that he wasn’t knocked out because I really needed him right now. I couldn’t fight Mr Waters on my own.

I struggled to get him off me.

“Ellie, darling, don’t struggle. I will hurt you more if you struggle.”

“Why do you feel the need to punish me like this? Why can’t you come up with something else to punish me with?”

He didn’t answer me. Instead he reached down to pull a lever on the seat and pushed the seat backwards so I was now lying down. He smirked at me and then leaned forward. My heart pounded in my chest.

He leaned in closer to my ear, making me feel uncomfortable. “I’m punishing you because I disliked you.” Holding me down with one hand, he moved his hand under my skirt and began pushing my underwear down. “And another reason is when I first lay my eyes on you, I have wanted to f –”

Before he could say the rest of the words, James kicked him hard in the head, making him wrack his head into me. Mr Waters sat up, grabbing his son’s leg and pulled him over to him. He grabbed his shirt and jerked him forward.

“Touch me again and I will beat the crap out of you until you can no longer stand,” Mr Waters threatened.

“Not if I beat you up first,” James answered. “I’m not letting you do this to Ellie again.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I like to see you try. You’re weak and useless. You couldn’t even stop me last time and you won’t be able to do it this time.”

Mr Waters turned back to me and cupped his hand between my legs. Before he could do anything, James pulled his father off me and onto him. James screamed out to me to get out if I can. I wiggled out from underneath Mr Water’s body. I leaned over his body so I could reach over and unlock the door. I pressed the switched button on the controls and the doors unlocked. I was about to crawl into the front seat to get out when Mr Waters grabbed me, pulling me back into the back seat. James put his arms around his father’s neck, pulling back from me. He screamed at me to go and I did, opening the back door.

Just as I got out of the car, my right leg was grabbed.

“Let her go!” James yelled.

I didn’t look behind me. Mr Waters suddenly let go of me and I stumbled on the gravel ground, hitting it hard. I quickly got to my feet, but didn’t get a chance to run off. Mr Waters tackled me to the ground, lying me on my back before he hovered over me. James jumped onto his father’s back, strangling him with one arm. Mr Waters was about to flip James off him when James wracked him in the back of his head with the gun that he must have taken from the glove compartment like he did last time. James let go of him and his body tumbled on top of me.

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