Chapter 19

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As soon as we arrive at Aunt Zoe’s store, tension builds up as we find my brother and Clara there, helping the staff to load cakes into boxes. Aunt Zoe must have asked him and Clara to come help her out. I wasn’t sure why she would when she knows what Daniel is capable of doing when he sees James. And then Daniel would kill me for lying to him.

Daniel is at the counter with Clara and Lydia, helping them load a mixture of cakes into white cardboard boxes. Aunt Zoe greeted everyone and as soon as Daniel glances our way to see James standing in the room with us. I see the anger in his eyes. I felt like it was the night of the incident all over again, seeing how my brother reacted to James at the police station. I knew that any moment Daniel was going to come at James.

I walked over to Daniel. “Daniel, please.”

Daniel ignores me. Clenching his fist together, he makes his way over to James. I try to stop him, but he pushes me out of the way, knocking me into a table and knowing down the stairs that were stacked on top, crashing to the floor. James doesn’t even try and move at all. Aunt Zoe is telling him to stop, but my brother ignores her.

Aunt Zoe is about to stop him when he throws a punch at James. He has a ring on his finger and it cuts James’ bottom lip. My aunt holds him back and Clara rushes over to him.

“You disgraceful bastard,” Daniel says.

“Daniel, that’s enough,” Aunt Zoe tells him, but I know he wasn’t going to listen.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Daniel asks.

James doesn’t say anything at all. He just stands there, terrified to say anything at all.

Aunt Zoe pulls him back with the help of Clara.

“Daniel, I know you have a lot against James, but I need you to calm down and talk nicely to him,” Aunt Zoe tells him.

“Talk nicely to him? The bastard raped my sister!”

“I know, but maybe you should forgive him.”

“I will never forgive him.”

“Your sister has, Daniel.”

I wanted to say no that I haven’t forgiven the person who raped me because I don’t feel like I can forgive him. Yes, I forgive James for not properly saving me from his dad, but I knew he did try his best. At least now James isn’t letting the same mistake happen to me again.

I walked over to my brother and pull him aside. “Please, Daniel. You need to believe me that James didn’t do anything to harm me.”

He didn’t believe me. He didn’t need to say anything because I could see it in his eyes that he wouldn’t. “You’re my sister, Ellie. I need to protect you from pricks like him.”

“He isn’t a prick.”

“Oh yeah? The guy couldn’t get laid so he forces himself onto you.”

I forced to hold my tears. I couldn’t cry in front of my brother.

“I need you to trust me about James. Please don’t call the police or Mom or Dad.”

I could see he didn’t like a thing I was saying. If he had his way, he would be on the phone and dialling 911. He would make sure James would be gone. But with the look I was giving him, Daniel knew I was serious about him backing away from James.

“Fine,” he says. “But as soon as this prick lays a finger on you, Ellie, I’m calling the cops.”

Daniel walks away, heading back to the counter to continue helping Lydia pack the cakes. Clara went with him. Aunt Zoe turns to me she is sorry for what happened. I turned to look at James. He had a blank expression on his face and I had no idea what he was thinking at all.

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