Chapter 14

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The vibration of my phone sitting on my bedside table woke me up. The clock beside me read 1:05 and I wondered who on earth would be calling me at this time of the night. I answered it before I woke up James. I checked the ID to see who was calling me. I could only think of my parents or my brother calling me, but at the same time I didn’t think they would be calling me at this time of the night. Oh wait, they could because of the two hours’ time difference.

But it wasn’t my parents or brother calling me. It was an unknown number.

I answered it, whispering “Hello?” I quietly walked out of the room so James wouldn’t wake up. I closed the door behind me and stood outside the room.

“So you think you can just run away from me?” the male voice answered.

I froze when I heard the voice.

Mr Waters.

How did he get a hold of my number?

“How did you get this number?” I asked him.

“It doesn’t matter how I got it, Ellie. Just so you know, Ellie, even if James and you think you can run away from me, remember I will find you.”

I gripped my phone tighter in my hand, terrified of what would happen if he did find us. But I don’t think he can find us. He doesn’t know where we were. He doesn’t even know where my aunt lives. James and I are safe.

“You don’t even know where we are,” I told him.

He laughed. “You think I won’t find you? I will find you, Ellie. I will find you. And when I do, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk again and James will never be able to help you. He will be going back to jail again.”

Tears began to fill my eyes. I couldn’t understand why Mr Waters was doing this to me. I don’t know what I did to deserve all of this.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked him.

Rather than answering my question, he said, “I will find you, Ellie. Don’t ever think that I can’t because I will.”

He hung up the phone. I stood there holding the phone to my ear. After a few minutes I hung up the phone and walked back into the room. James was still asleep and hadn’t woken up at all when I left the room. I set the phone down and then turned to James, watching him as he slept perfectly.

As I watched him sleep, I wondered to myself how James ever ended up with a cruel father. What could have possibly had gone through Mr Waters’ head when he saw James and I standing in his room just about to kiss? What made him even want to rape me? Why me? It was something I still couldn’t work out after two years. But then I remember what he said to me a couple of days ago when we were at the Hollywood sign. He said he wanted to have sex with me since he laid my eyes on me. I felt disgusted knowing that since I started hanging around James that this is what his father thought of me. What kind of sick person was he?

Not really want to wake him up, I shook James gently. I wanted to feel his arms around me until I fall asleep because I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep after the phone call. I was afraid to fall asleep just in case I wake up and find Mr Waters in the room even though I knew he wouldn’t be able to enter the house at all. Aunt Zoe and James wouldn’t let him enter. But his words I’m going to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk again and James will never be able to help you terrified me. I didn’t want to go through the nightmare again or let James see me suffer through the pain again.

James slowly opened his eyes. The moment he did, he knew something was wrong. “Hey, is everything alright? You look terrified.”

I didn’t tell him. I should, but I didn’t want him to worry about what his father was going to do to me. So instead I said, “Can I sleep with you?”

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