Chapter 18

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I almost decided not to meet up with my brother, afraid of what he was going to say, even though I promised I will meet him. But I went anyway otherwise he will definitely be mad at me if I don’t turn up. Aunt Zoe allowed me to use her car and I drove to Tara Lee.

Tara Lee isn’t busy tonight. Inside the café the walls are a bright red with timber floors. The tables and chairs are a dark wooden colour with a white table cloth over it. I have always enjoyed coming in here. It has this cosy feeling.

I see Daniel sitting at a table for two in the far back of the café near the wall through the window. At first I hesitated about going in, thinking in my head of all the possible scenarios in my head that Daniel could say to me, but then I thought of what Aunt Zoe said and I knew sooner or later I had to speak to him. I couldn’t keep running from him or my family. And I get the feeling that soon I will be facing Mr Waters, which terrified me the most.

I open the door and headed over to Daniel. He greeted me with a hello and I sat across from him. He asked me if I wanted anything to eat and promise to pay for it. I stared at the menu, not exactly sure what I wanted. When the waitress stood beside the table, I settle on peach flavour ice tea and chicken risotto. Daniel’s orders a hamburger with chips and a Coke.

“Listen, I’m sorry about the way I treated you back at the house,” Daniel apologises.

I smiled at him. “You already apologised.”

“Yeah, I know I did, but that was over the phone. I thought I might as well apologise to your face.”

I accepted his apology for the second time.

“So, where are you coming home?” Daniel asked. “Mom and Dad are really worried about you.”

I look around at the room, thinking of what to say. When I figured it out, I turn back to him. Daniel hasn’t taken his eyes off me. “I don’t know, Dan. I just need to figure out what to do. I just need to get away from –”

“From that sick bastard?” Daniel answers.

I gave him a filthy look and he quickly apologises.

“No, I’m not getting away from James,” I continue. “I just…” I wanted to tell him about Mr Waters, but knowing my brother he will stick up for James’ Dad. He wouldn’t believe me and that I’m trying to protect James. Besides, we will get into an argument if I tell him and having an argument here isn’t good. “I just need to have time to myself.”

“I understand,” Daniel said and I wonder if he is telling the truth, “especially with everything that has happened.”

The waitress returns with our drinks and then walks off.

“So, where’s James?” Daniel asks.

I don’t tell him because I knew he would go to our aunt’s house and kill James. “I don’t know where he is.”

Daniel doesn’t believe me. “Bull crap, Ellie. You do know where he is.”

“Daniel, please. I don’t want to talk about James right now.”

He takes a sip of his drink. “Okay, well I think you should call Mom and Dad. I told them I will get you to call them.”

I twirled the straw around in my glass, the ice making a tinkling sound as they hit each other and glass. “I’m afraid to, Daniel.”

“You don’t need to be afraid, Ellie. You just have to pick up the phone and call them.”

I suddenly feel guilty. I know I should call them.

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