Chapter 4

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Half of me wanted to wake up the next morning while the other half just wanted to lie in bed and not give a care in the world about anything. But I had to get up because James will be returning in the afternoon. I was excited but at the same time I was unsure how people will react with him coming back home. I knew I would have to force myself to block out the insults.

I forced myself out of bed and headed into the shower to freshen myself up, getting dressed into a pair of jean shorts and a blue striped camisole. I didn’t like to wear camisoles as much, but it was predicted to be extremely hot today, around in the eighties.

I walked downstairs to find my family in the kitchen. Clara was there. Dad was sitting at the table, sipping his coffee and talking to Daniel while Mom was making herself a tea. I frowned at Daniel and Clara when I saw them drawing on the piece of cardboard that they had each, drawing with a black marker about how James shouldn’t be released. I was starting to get a horrible feeling in my stomach and I knew it wouldn’t be good whatever they were planning to do.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

Daniel looked up from where he had written ‘ROT IN HELL, YOU SICK BASTARD’. When I saw what he had written, it crushed my heart. “There’s going to be a protest outside of the Waters’ home.”

I pictured the protest in my head as half or maybe the entire community showed up outside James’ home, holding up cardboard signs with nasty words that showed they didn’t want him here. I could imagine James glancing around at everyone, not even understanding why so many people are against him. I don’t even understand it. But they were. They were judging him over lies they had heard, criticising him for being a bad person. If James and I can just prove he is innocent, I wonder what people would do then.

“Why?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

Clara placed the cap of her black marker on and looked up at me. Her poster read ‘PEOPLE LIKE YOU SHOULD STAY IN JAIL’. “Well, if you can read these posters, we don’t think he should be allowed out on parole. He should stay in and complete his eight years sentence, not just do two years.”

“No, he doesn’t need to complete eight years. He has never done anything wrong.”

Daniel smirked. “You’re still defending him for being innocent? Seriously, Ellie, but what did that asshole do to your brain?”

“Daniel, please do not talk like that to your sister,” Mom said, turning to face my brother. She grabbed her cup of tea and then sat down next to Dad.

My brother just ignored her. “Ellie, he raped you. How is he innocent?”

I didn’t answer his question. “Look, you have no right to be a part of some protest outside his home.” I turned to my dad. “Dad, please tell Daniel that he has no right to do that.”

“If your brother wants to join the protest then it’s up to him,” Dad answered. “Most of the people in the neighbourhood are going.”

I couldn’t believe this.

“Look, the protest is totally unnecessary.”

Dad stood up from the table. “Ellie, it is necessary. James Waters is a criminal and we do not want him back here after what he did.”

“Why are you so against him?”

Dad walked over to the sink. “Ellie, you already know the answer.”

I stood there staring at my family and Clara. I couldn’t work out why my life has to become like this and I wasn’t even sure how to show that James is innocent. If time travel was possible, I will go back to the day it all went wrong. I would make sure that James is proven innocent.

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