I decided to ignore it, trying to focus on making the best of my time with Jackson. The two of us smiling at each other as we danced. But when I felt a body bump into mine and looked to see it was Bianca and Quincy, Quincy's eyes staring me down with intensity, I knew this was gonna be a problem.

He wanted to show me up, and I wasn't gonna let him be the only one who was able to have a good time.

I amped up my dancing skills, not even noticing I was catching an auidence as I danced with Jackson. I just focused on the way our bodies moved together, how our rhythms matched, and how well we looked together. I was not letting Q have the upper hand to think I was affected by his presence.

It must've been the adrenaline or the surge of confidence I had within me to compel me to pull my next move. I kissed Jackson. I wrapped my arms around his neck while we danced, pulled him closer, and placed my lips on his, allowing our lips to dance instead.

When we pulled away, the growing smile on his face had me feeling like I did something right. He opened his mouth to speak only for an arm hooking around my waist, pulling me away, cutting our moment short.

Quincy had the tightest grip on my wrist as he essentially dragged me out of the club.

"What in the hell are you doing?!" I demanded, snatching my wrist back once we had passed the double doors.

"So you just thought that was cool?! Kissing the nigga in my face?!" He shouted, his eyes blazing with anger.

"You broke up with me!" I yelled back, outraged at the fact he really thought he could be upset.

I looked around seeing my voice was way louder than I intended, and we were gathering outside attention. I let out a frustrated growl, walking to the side of the building, Quincy following.

"He ain't me. And he ain't never gonna be me, Janae."

"And why should I want another you Quincy?! So I could have my heart broken all over again?!"

"Don't even play it like that."

"Play it like what? The truth? Well, truth is you're a punk." I shoved him angrily. "And a liar." Shoving him once more. "You ruin everything!" His back hit the wall as I shoved him with a little extra force. "You ruined everything!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." He  grabbed my arms, saving himself from another hit as my eyes filled with involuntary tears. "I'm sorry."

"Get-" I removed his hands from me. "I have a date to tell I'm going home because you ruined yet another thing." I told him, my irritation evident, before making my way back into the club, going over to the girls. "Where's Jackson?"

"What the hell just happened?" Rocky asked.

"Where's Jackson?" I asked again, impatiently.

"Right here." I heard and I instantly turned around.

"I am so sorry." I quickly apologized, grabbing his hand. "He just- I don't even know. He just ruined everything and I'm really sorry."

"I get it, if I was your ex I would do the same thing."

"I think I'm gonna just go, that conversation just really got me upset. I had a really nice time with you and I'm so sorry this happened."

"You sure? I can take you home." He offered.

"No. No. I would never ask you to do that. Enjoy the rest of your night. I needa blow off some steam anyways. But I'll call you. We can plan something for another time."

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