Does Anybody Have a Map?

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I feel myself whisk out of the puzzle after a few minutes of silence. I'm in my own body and Yami's in his spirit body because apparently sleeping outside the puzzle is better than sleeping inside it.

I go towards the room where I put my stuff earlier. I close the door and decide to change into my pajamas. I lift my shirt up off my head and am met with a surprise. My torso is flat. They're gone. I check my lower body and it's been replaced.

"HOLY RA! I'M A FRICKING BOY," I scream in joy before I realize how weird that probably sounds. I grab my night shirt and put it over my head and grab the pants that go with it.

I hear a knock on the door. "Yugi, are you okay," Yami's muffled voice asks. My cheeks go slightly pink as I rush to the door and open it.

"Yami, oh. Um... I'm fine. I was just doing a BuzzFeed quiz and it guessed that I was a four year old girl," I lie. Smooth, Yugi. Super and totally smooth.

"Um... okay then," Yami says awkwardly before he nods his head and walks down the hall and to the right. I let out a sigh and close the door.

"Sleep will be good right now," I mutter to myself as I flop down onto the bed.

SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Sorry. I'm just having writer's block and I'm having a hard time deciding over some pretty important details and sorry for not updating and the short chapter but isn't quality over quantity? (yeah no, don't answer that)

Tapping on the Glass - A Yugi Muto Fanfiction (Yu-Gi-Oh)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu