Chapter 1 - Waving Through a Window

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I stare out the window, watching the clouds in their endless race to out maneuver the other. I subconsciously rub my fingers over the etchings in my window sill, wondering how, how I'm going to live here.

Before Grandpa died two years ago, my only plan was to go to high school, graduate, then go to a college somewhere other than Domino City, but plans change. Plans get demolished. When Grandpa died of a heart attack, all my plans got ruined. All my hopes and dreams, out the window.

A secret died with him, that only I knew. The secret was about me and nobody even knows about this little secret. I sigh, staring back around my room. I look at the picture of Joey Wheeler and I at a baseball game, our eyes full of wonder. We were probably in second grade and Joey had already managed to get some ketchup in his hair.

My eyes drift towards the one with me and Tristan Taylor, when he took me to see a movie together. We really regretted sneaking out that night to see it because it really wasn't worth it, but it's still one of the best events that I did with just him.

Then my eyes drift over to one of me, Tea Gardner, and Jaden Yuki - cousins - at the mall. Jaden and I used to be close, but for most of middle school, he avoided me... Just like almost everybody did. Jaden and I hang out after school almost every day because he wants to be friends again and I'm a person who always, always tries to see the light in everybody.

Tea's parents forced her to go to the states for middle school so I didn't get to see her much for those years, but she came back for high school. I let out a small sigh. It's getting harder and harder to walk around the house. Grandpa is everywhere. He took all of these pictures with his camera.

I walk over to my bed and grab my phone. I decide to text Joey. Joey, can you pick me up? I need to get out of here, I text. Seconds later I get a reply.

Sure thing Yug'. Want to go to Burger World, he replies. I manage a small grin. Joey loves Burger World, even though Tea almost died there and the manager tried to kill all of us. I roll my eyes.

Sure, but only ONE burger, I tease. Seconds later, instead of a reply, he tries to call me. I answer the call because I have nothing better to do.

"W-W-What?" I ask him, an annoyed edge to my voice, though the stutter makes it hard to not seem like a baby.

"I'm getting as many burgers as I want and I'm here," he says.

"T-Th-Thanks J-Joey!" I tell him as I run down the stairs. I get an idea for a lame joke. "So-Sorry, s-s-s-somebody's h-here."

"Wait, wha-" and that's where I hang up and run to his car.

"H-hello s-s-somebody," I tell him with a smirk slapped on my face. But instead of smiling, Joey's face is painted with concern.

"Yugi, this is the third time this week. Are you sure you don't want to move in with Tristan, Bakura, Ryou, and I? I mean, maybe you should look into the idea of selling the shop and moving in with somebody and be their roommate."

"A-Ac-Actually y-y-you m-might b-be o-onto s-s-something th-there," I stutter, finally knowing what I'm going to do.

"You mean you'll move in with us," Joey asked, starting the car. I shake my head.

"N-n-no, y-your p-p-place is c-crowded e-e-enough w-w-without m-m-me m-m-moving in. I'll f-f-find s-s-somewhere," I tell him, feeling confident in my words. Joey nods his head, trusting my decision, which makes me feel good on the inside.

"Ok Yug'. Here," he hands me his phone. "This is a site where you can find a roommate. Just look for the price that you're okay with and it'll find somebody." I smile and start with the most reasonable, under ten dollars a month.

It pulls up a picture of a small house with probably three bedrooms inside. I look at the price per month and it says '$0.' I press the picture and begin looking at it and think that it might be nice. I look at the other houses, but this one seems perfect.

I press 'Contact Owner of House' and the phone begins ringing. Immediately, the person on the other end picks up. "Hello, Yami speaking," the voice on the other end replies. I'm a little shocked because he sounds like he's sixteen, like me.

"H-Hi, t-this is Y-yugi M-Muto. Um... I-I w-was w-wond-wondering I-If I-I c-could b-be y-your ro-roommate," I managed, cursing my stutter. There is silence on the other end for a couple seconds.

"Sure, Yugi. I can have the house ready for you by tomorrow if you want to. I don't want any money, so you're fine. I just have a request that I'll talk to you about tomorrow. Come by around five," he tells me, not even mentioning my stutter, thank god.

I then, pull out my phone and pull up the site that I had been on more times than not for the past week and hesitate for a second before I give an affirmative nod and press 'sell house.'

"I-I d-d-did it," I tell Joey, who's been driving to Burger Kingdom.

"Good job. I'll get the boys and we'll help you pack your stuff and move tomorrow," Joey tells me, stopping the car and pulling his keys out.

"T-Thanks," I tell him, before wincing. I hate my stutter. I've hated it for years and all I want is for it to go away. Joey pats my back, knowing what I'm thinking about before he goes inside to order some food.

I'm about to follow him when a sound comes from my phone. It's a message that reads, 'Hi, this is Yami. Hope this is the right number.' I unlock my phone and make a new contact for Yami before I text 'Yep, this is Yugi.'


Hi, this is my first Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction (expect more because the ideas keep coming) and I just want to thank you for reading this. I mean, this means everything to me. Some of you might (note, I said might) notice the lyrics that I used for the chapter name and title of the book, but if you don't, no matter.

All chapter names will be lyrics from a musical called Dear Evan Hansen. The reason I'm doing that is because the musical is really good and you should listen to it, but I think that the lyrics have strong meanings so I'm using them... sorry for this strange rave.

Anyway, if you want to know who the 'bad' guys are (or really at this point, haters of Yami and Yugi), there are three. Seto Kaiba (I have plans for him and another character later so don't get mad.) Mai Valentine, and Jaden Yuki.

I was going to have it be like Tea or Joey, but they get hated on enough so I'm making my own. (Puts her hands on her hips and looks off into the distance like a super hero...)

Yugi is going to be the main character. His secret will be revealed soon enough. But this is something you need to know: Grandpa died of heart attack during a duel monsters game. Parents and twin sister died of a fire that started in their home when Yugi was five. (This is my story, not the original Yugioh story.)

Thank you for reading. 

- Yami Muto

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