Authors Note

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Hi... My name is *&#%. (I use nicknames...) I used to be very, very obsessed with Yu-Gi-Oh and now my obsession for it is coming back. I have decided to make a story about Yugi Muto. I have no idea where my thoughts will take me... 

@ViolaPlayingFangirl and some of our friends are going to kill me once they find out that I wrote this... 

I write a lot of fanfictions so if this doesn't get updated very often, there you go. Yugi Muto is like the cutest little person ever and I love the fact that in the series his voice starts out normal(ish) and then as the series keeps going, he and Yami's voice become like polar opposites. Yugi's is very high-pitched (and very cute) and Yami's is a very very deep baritone...

So anyway, my plan for this book is to take things slow... But there will be some... I want this to be for all ages so I sort of have to keep it appropriate... but anyway... I'm definitely going to have Yami and Yugi get together (squeals her little butt off). Again, my friends are going to kill me but I really don't care.



So basically Yugi Muto (for all y'all who don't know) is this little sixteen year old (he's literally shorter that Mokuba, a ten(i think) year old) but anyways, he is this little dude with amathyst eyes that look like bells. He had this really cool hair that is like five red spikes of hair from the back but when they jut out from his head from the front they look black and he also has these little wisps of blonde hair that are everywhere. He solved a millenium puzzle (there is a long story that I will have to tell you sometime...) and the pharoh (Yami) possesses him and they become two people in the same body and then when like take over the body, their hair changes (as well as their eyes...) In this story, I have some evil plans for him and I feel so bad already but it's going to be fun.


So basically Yami (imma call him yami atem in the book because why not) is this 5016 year old dude who used to be the pharoh and in the series shares a body with Yugi (read above). He has similar features at Yugi, but his blonde wisps of hair stick up like lightning bolts and his eyes are like slanted rectangles instead of bells. Unlike Yugi, who is very pale, Yami has this deep tan (because he's from Ancient egypt I guess...) I'm just going to say this now, in this book he's going to be a different (because why not...) and he's the spirit of the millenium puzzle. Again, I have some pretty evil plans for him and Yugi, but more on that later.

Joey Wheeler:

Joey Wheeler is basically the comedy relief of the series. He talks with a very heavy Brooklyn accent (that I sometimes think is fake...) and he has a weird hunk of blonde hair on the top of his head that looks like a baboon's butt... But anyways, he's a good heart and he's fricking awesome (i gotta stop swearing...) but he does get posessed... many times... and he almost kills Yugi at one point in the series (OK I NEED TO STOP!) He has brown eyes (while his sister has brown hair and green eyes) and he is best friends with Yugi. He is called a dog or a puppy a lot in the series and he hates being called a mutt. In this story I have some (evil) idea for him and another character who I'm obsessed with.

Bakura (Ryou): (real name is Bakura Ryou and most fanfictions have Bakura be the bad one and then have Ryou be the good one I guess...)

Ok, so Bakura has two sides and in most fanfictions, they make Bakura's good side Ryou so I'm doing that. Ryou is this cute little british dude who is posessed by Bakura(yami bakura? I dunno what to call him...) but anyway he has messy white hair and hazel eyes. He's most seen wearing a striped shirt of some sort and the millenium ring around his neck. I may or may not have a huge crush on Ryou but... anyways he isn't evil at all unlike Bakura but none of them are evil in this story.

Bakura (Evil):

Bakura looks the same as Ryou, except that usually you can see the millenium ring around his neck and he has this almost evil look in his eyes. In this story tho, I don't want him to be evil, (there are other people for that...).

I'll tell you more about the characters later...


Yami Muto. (nope... nope...)

Yugi Muto (I swear if anybody writes Yugi Muto Muto I will like flip out and call you out in my next chapter. I have issues... Also people at school used to do that to me and somebody tried to put it into a school project and I got so... not going to finish that sentence because like I said, I am twelve.)

- Yami Muto (yep, I like that...)

Tapping on the Glass - A Yugi Muto Fanfiction (Yu-Gi-Oh)Where stories live. Discover now